SIGTYP 2020 shared task: Prediction of typological features
Typological knowledge bases (KBs) such as WALS (Dryer and Haspelmath, 2013) contain
information about linguistic properties of the world's languages. They have been shown to …
information about linguistic properties of the world's languages. They have been shown to …
Colex2Lang: Language embeddings from semantic typology
In semantic typology, colexification refers to words with multiple meanings, either related
(polysemy) or unrelated (homophony). Studies of cross-linguistic colexification have yielded …
(polysemy) or unrelated (homophony). Studies of cross-linguistic colexification have yielded …
Understanding the effects of word-level linguistic annotations in under-resourced neural machine translation
This paper studies the effects of word-level linguistic annotations in under-resourced neural
machine translation, for which there is incomplete evidence in the literature. The study …
machine translation, for which there is incomplete evidence in the literature. The study …
Automatic Extraction and Application of Language Descriptions for Under-Resourced Languages
A Chaudhary - 2022 - kilthub.cmu.edu
Languages of our world are amazingly diverse, consisting of varied and complex systems of
word, phrase, sentence construction, and vocabulary, to name a few. Understanding these …
word, phrase, sentence construction, and vocabulary, to name a few. Understanding these …
Incorporating inner-word and out-word features for Mongolian morphological segmentation
Mongolian morphological segmentation is regarded as a crucial preprocessing step in many
Mongolian related NLP applications and has received extensive attention. Recently, end-to …
Mongolian related NLP applications and has received extensive attention. Recently, end-to …
Context restriction for low resource neural morphological analysis
A Makazhanov - 2022 - era.ed.ac.uk
Contextual morphological analysis is the task of finding the most probable lemma and
morpho-syntactic description (ie part of speech and grammatical markers, such as case …
morpho-syntactic description (ie part of speech and grammatical markers, such as case …
[PDF][PDF] SIGTYP 2020 Shared Task: Prediction of Typological Features
Typological knowledge bases (KBs) such as WALS (Dryer and Haspelmath, 2013) contain
information about linguistic properties of the world's languages. They have been shown to …
information about linguistic properties of the world's languages. They have been shown to …
Universal Morphological Analysis using ReinforcementLearning
RA Cardenas Acosta - 2020 - dspace.cuni.cz
The persistent efforts to make valuable annotated corpora in more diverse, morphologically
rich languages has driven research in NLP into considering more explicit techniques to …
rich languages has driven research in NLP into considering more explicit techniques to …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches to determine semantic similarity between texts in domain-specific context
S Som - 2019 - studenttheses.uu.nl
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a discipline which makes an effort to “gather
knowledge on how human beings understand and use language so that appropriate tools …
knowledge on how human beings understand and use language so that appropriate tools …