Plasmonic tweezers: for nanoscale optical trap** and beyond
Optical tweezers and associated manipulation tools in the far field have had a major impact
on scientific and engineering research by offering precise manipulation of small objects …
on scientific and engineering research by offering precise manipulation of small objects …
Recent advances in holographic 3D particle tracking
Particle tracking is a fundamental technique for investigating a variety of biophysical
processes, from intracellular dynamics to the characterization of cell motility and migration …
processes, from intracellular dynamics to the characterization of cell motility and migration …
Accessing activity and viscoelastic properties of artificial and living systems from passive measurement
Living systems are complex dynamic entities that operate far from thermodynamic
equilibrium. Their active, non-equilibrium behaviour requires energy to drive cellular …
equilibrium. Their active, non-equilibrium behaviour requires energy to drive cellular …
Optical tweezers: theory and practice
The possibility for the manipulation of many different samples using only the light from a
laser beam opened the way to a variety of experiments. The technique, known as Optical …
laser beam opened the way to a variety of experiments. The technique, known as Optical …
High-resolution single-molecule magnetic tweezers
Single-molecule magnetic tweezers deliver magnetic force and torque to single target
molecules, permitting the study of dynamic changes in biomolecular structures and their …
molecules, permitting the study of dynamic changes in biomolecular structures and their …
Optical trap** and binding
The phenomenon of light's momentum was first observed in the laboratory at the beginning
of the twentieth century, and its potential for manipulating microscopic particles was …
of the twentieth century, and its potential for manipulating microscopic particles was …
Advances in the microrheology of complex fluids
TA Waigh - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
New developments in the microrheology of complex fluids are considered. Firstly the
requirements for a simple modern particle tracking microrheology experiment are …
requirements for a simple modern particle tracking microrheology experiment are …
Indirect optical trap** using light driven micro-rotors for reconfigurable hydrodynamic manipulation
Optical tweezers are a highly versatile tool for exploration of the mesoscopic world,
permitting non-contact manipulation of nanoscale objects. However, direct illumination with …
permitting non-contact manipulation of nanoscale objects. However, direct illumination with …
Holographic optical tweezers and their relevance to lab on chip devices
During the last decade, optical tweezers have been transformed by the combined availability
of spatial light modulators and the speed of low-cost computing to drive them. Holographic …
of spatial light modulators and the speed of low-cost computing to drive them. Holographic …
Quantification of high-efficiency trap** of nanoparticles in a double nanohole optical tweezer
We measure the dynamics of 20 nm polystyrene particles in a double nanohole trap to
determine the trap stiffness for various laser powers. Both the autocorrelation analysis of …
determine the trap stiffness for various laser powers. Both the autocorrelation analysis of …