Equations for the estimation of strong ground motions from shallow crustal earthquakes using data from Europe and the Middle East: horizontal peak ground …
NN Ambraseys, J Douglas, SK Sarma… - Bulletin of earthquake …, 2005 - Springer
This article presents equations for the estimation of horizontal strong ground motions caused
by shallow crustal earthquakes with magnitudes M w≥ 5 and distance to the surface …
by shallow crustal earthquakes with magnitudes M w≥ 5 and distance to the surface …
Shallow seismic trap** structure in the San Jacinto fault zone near Anza, California
We analyse fault zone trapped waves, generated by∼ 500 small earthquakes, for high-
resolution imaging of the subsurface structure of the Coyote Creek, Clark Valley and Buck …
resolution imaging of the subsurface structure of the Coyote Creek, Clark Valley and Buck …
Can seismic waves be trapped inside an inactive fault zone? The case study of Nocera Umbra, central Italy
A Rovelli, A Caserta, F Marra… - Bulletin of the …, 2002 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
In March 1998 a small-aperture (∼ 350 m) linear array of five broadband stations was
installed across a Pliocene strike-slip fault crossing the town of Nocera Umbra, central Italy …
installed across a Pliocene strike-slip fault crossing the town of Nocera Umbra, central Italy …
Derivation of design soil coefficients (S) and response spectral shapes for Eurocode 8 using the European Strong-Motion Database
A revision is presently under way to upgrade the status of theDesignrecommendations for
earthquake resistance of structures', commonlyreferred to as Eurocode 8 (or EC8). In order …
earthquake resistance of structures', commonlyreferred to as Eurocode 8 (or EC8). In order …
An experimental approach for estimating seismic amplification effects at the top of a ridge, and the implication for ground-motion predictions: the case of Narni, Central …
Abstract From March to September 2009, a velocimetric network was installed in Narni,
central Italy, a village on the top of a limestone ridge. The aim was to investigate local site …
central Italy, a village on the top of a limestone ridge. The aim was to investigate local site …
Topographic effects on the hill of Nocera Umbra, central Italy
Summary During the MW 5.7 and 6.0 Umbria–Marche earthquakes of 1997 September 26,
the historical centre of Nocera Umbra suffered MCS intensity VII–VIII. The zone is located on …
the historical centre of Nocera Umbra suffered MCS intensity VII–VIII. The zone is located on …
A GIS procedure for fast topographic characterization of seismic recording stations
V Pessina, E Fiorini - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014 - Elsevier
Morphometric analyses of high resolution digital elevation models (DEM), with the support of
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), have been implemented to provide a practical tool …
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), have been implemented to provide a practical tool …
Liquefaction in Western sichuan basin during the 2008 Mw 7.9 wenchuan earthquake, China
Strong ground shaking during the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, which occurred in
the foothills of the Longmen Shan in southwestern China, resulted in widespread coseismic …
the foothills of the Longmen Shan in southwestern China, resulted in widespread coseismic …
Spectral‐element simulations of seismic waves generated by the 2009 l'Aquila earthquake
We adopt a spectral‐element method (SEM) to perform numerical simulations of the
complex wavefield generated by the 6 April 2009 M w 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake in central …
complex wavefield generated by the 6 April 2009 M w 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake in central …
Imaging the deep structure of the San Andreas Fault south of Hollister with joint analysis of fault zone head and direct P arrivals
We perform a joint inversion of arrival time data generated by direct P and fault zone (FZ)
head waves in the San Andreas Fault south of Hollister, CA, to obtain a high-resolution local …
head waves in the San Andreas Fault south of Hollister, CA, to obtain a high-resolution local …