[HTML][HTML] Mass collaboration and learning: opportunities, challenges, and influential factors
Learning ecosystems can benefit from mass collaboration where large numbers of minds
collectively drive intellectual efforts to learn in the form of knowledge building and sharing …
collectively drive intellectual efforts to learn in the form of knowledge building and sharing …
No time to wait in a crisis: Develo** an informal approach to academic development through international online conversations
R Koris, S McKinnon - International Journal for Academic …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This study explores reflections from academics (N= 13) from 12 higher education institutions
in eight countries who relied on informal conversations in an online community of practice to …
in eight countries who relied on informal conversations in an online community of practice to …
Collective Intelligence for Decision-Making in Complex Environments: Literature Review
D Rincón, J Valdes, L Bohórquez - IFIP International Conference on …, 2018 - Springer
The growing complexity of the environment makes explicit the fact that Human Social
Systems must develop mechanisms that allow them to increase agility in decision-making …
Systems must develop mechanisms that allow them to increase agility in decision-making …
Analyzing hate speech with incel-hunters' critiques
The ubiquity of online media services helps to promote free speech but also provides
opportunities for the spread of problematic content such as hate speech. A group of …
opportunities for the spread of problematic content such as hate speech. A group of …
Generating lifelong-learning communities and branding with Massive Open Online Courses
Abstract The arrival of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has stimulated teachers and
universities to change in some ways the teaching methodologies. The success of these …
universities to change in some ways the teaching methodologies. The success of these …
Mass collaboration and learning: structure and methods
M Zamiri - 2022 - search.proquest.com
The rapid emergence of social networks and collaborative communities supported by the
Internet and associated innovative technologies, and the increasing demand for continuous …
Internet and associated innovative technologies, and the increasing demand for continuous …
[PDF][PDF] Formación abierta sobre modelos de enseñanza masivos: nuevas tendencias hacia el aprendizaje social
El aprendizaje permanente (LifeLong Learning) es cada vez más importante y necesario en
una sociedad que evoluciona sobre modelos productivos basados en nuevas formas de …
una sociedad que evoluciona sobre modelos productivos basados en nuevas formas de …
Turning out a social community into an e-Learning platform for MOOC: The case of AbiertaUGR
This paper considers the interest of traditional high educational institution to bounce into the
world of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). This learning approach is defined over the …
world of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). This learning approach is defined over the …
Experiencias MOOC: un enfoque hacia el aprendizaje digital, la creación de contenidos docentes y comunidades on line
M Gea Megías - 2016 - torrossa.com
El debate sobre los cursos masivos, abiertos y en línea, conocidos por su acrónimo en
inglés (MOOc-Massive Open Online courses) suscita un gran interés en todos los ámbitos …
inglés (MOOc-Massive Open Online courses) suscita un gran interés en todos los ámbitos …
Design of the organizational structure and coordination of an observatory based on collective intelligence
LEB Arévalo, NSC Rodríguez… - Ingeniería …, 2020 - revistas.ucc.edu.co
Introduction: This article is the product of research developed within the framework of the
Emple-ap Project, throughout 2019 at the School of Industrial Engineering, Universidad …
Emple-ap Project, throughout 2019 at the School of Industrial Engineering, Universidad …