On Intra‐Regular Left Almost Semihypergroups with Pure Left Identity

N Yaqoob, P Corsini, F Yousafzai - Journal of Mathematics, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
On Intra‐Regular Left Almost Semihypergroups with Pure Left Identity - Yaqoob - 2013 - Journal
of Mathematics - Wiley Online Library Skip to Article Content Skip to Article Information Wiley …

Characterizations of ordered semigroups in terms of fuzzy (mn)-substructures

A Mahboob, M Al-Tahan, G Muhiuddin - Soft Computing, 2024 - Springer
In this article, the concept of fuzzy (m, n)-quasi-ideals in ordered semigroups is developed
and discussed in various ways. In addition, we present the concepts of fuzzy (m, 0)-ideals …

Fuzzy (mn)-ideals in semigroups

A Mahboob, B Davvaz, NM Khan - Computational and applied …, 2019 - Springer
In this paper, we introduce the concept of a fuzzy (m, n)-ideal, fuzzy (m, 0)-ideal and fuzzy (0,
n)-ideal of a semigroup S for any positive integers m and n. This generalizes the concept of …

[HTML][HTML] On the left and right almost hyperideals of LA-semihypergroups

S Nawaz, M Gulistan, N Kausar, M Munir - International Journal of Fuzzy …, 2021 - ijfis.org
In this paper, we define left almost hyperideals, right almost hyperideals, almost hyperideals,
and minimal almost hyperideals. We demonstrate that the intersection of almost hyperideals …

[PDF][PDF] On (m, n)-ideals on (m, n)-regular ordered semigroups

L Bussaban, T Changphas - Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol, 2016 - researchgate.net
Let m, n be non-negative integers. A subsemigroup A of an ordered semigroup (S,∙,≤ is
called an (m, n)-ideal of S if (i) AmSAn⊆ A, and (ii) if x∈ A, y∈ S such that y≤ x, then y∈ A …

Extensions of cubic ideals in weak left almost semihypergroups

M Gulistan, N Yaqoob, T Vougiouklis… - Journal of Intelligent …, 2018 - content.iospress.com
Cubic sets are generalized version of fuzzy sets, in which there are two representations, one
is used for the degree of membership and other is used for the degree of non-membership …

A Note on --Ideals of Ordered --Semigroups

A Basar - Konuralp Journal of Mathematics, 2019 - dergipark.org.tr
In this paper, we investigate the notion of (m,n)-ideals in a non-associative algebraic
structure, which we call an ordered LA-Γ-semigroup. We prove that if (S,Γ,⋅,≦) is a unitary …

[PDF][PDF] Generalized hyperideals in locally associative left almost semihypergroups.

V Amjad, K Hila, F Yousafzai - New York Journal of Mathematics, 2014 - nyjm.albany.edu
In this paper, we introduce the concept of a locally associative LA-semihypergroup by
generalizing the idea of a locally associative LA-semigroup given in Mushtaq–Yusuf, 1979 …

On (m, n)-ideals of left almost semigroups

W Khan, F Yousafzai, M Khan - European Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2016 - ejpam.com
In this paper, we study (m, n)-ideals of an LA-semigroup in detail. We charactrize (0, 2)-
ideals of an LA-semigroup S and prove that A is a (0, 2)-ideal of S if and only if A is a left …

On almost (m, n)-ideals and fuzzy almost (m, n)-ideals in semigroups

S Suebsung, K Wattanatripop… - Journal of Taibah …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper, we define almost (m, n)-ideals of semigroups by using the concepts of (m, n)-
ideals and almost ideals of semigroups. An almost (m, n)-ideal is a generalization of (m, n) …