Inbreeding depression explains killer whale population dynamics
Understanding the factors that cause endangered populations to either grow or decline is
crucial for preserving biodiversity. Conservation efforts often address extrinsic threats, such …
crucial for preserving biodiversity. Conservation efforts often address extrinsic threats, such …
Methods for monitoring for the population consequences of disturbance in marine mammals: a review
CG Booth, RR Sinclair, J Harwood - Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020 -
Assessing the non-lethal effects of disturbance and their population-level consequences is a
significant ecological and conservation challenge, because it requires extensive baseline …
significant ecological and conservation challenge, because it requires extensive baseline …
Killer whale ecotypes: is there a global model?
Killer whales, Orcinus orca, are top predators occupying key ecological roles in a variety of
ecosystems and are one of the most widely distributed mammals on the planet. In …
ecosystems and are one of the most widely distributed mammals on the planet. In …
Revised taxonomy of eastern North Pacific killer whales (Orcinus orca): Bigg's and resident ecotypes deserve species status
Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are currently recognized as a single ecologically and
morphologically diverse, globally distributed species. Multiple morphotypes or ecotypes …
morphologically diverse, globally distributed species. Multiple morphotypes or ecotypes …
[HTML][HTML] Endangered predators and endangered prey: Seasonal diet of Southern Resident killer whales
Understanding diet is critical for conservation of endangered predators. Southern Resident
killer whales (SRKW)(Orcinus orca) are an endangered population occurring primarily along …
killer whales (SRKW)(Orcinus orca) are an endangered population occurring primarily along …
Genetic and genomic monitoring with minimally invasive sampling methods
The decreasing cost and increasing scope and power of emerging genomic technologies
are resha** the field of molecular ecology. However, many modern genomic approaches …
are resha** the field of molecular ecology. However, many modern genomic approaches …
[HTML][HTML] Population growth is limited by nutritional impacts on pregnancy success in endangered Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)
SK Wasser, JI Lundin, K Ayres, E Seely, D Giles… - PLoS …, 2017 -
The Southern Resident killer whale population (Orcinus orca) was listed as endangered in
2005 and shows little sign of recovery. These fish eating whales feed primarily on …
2005 and shows little sign of recovery. These fish eating whales feed primarily on …
Evaluating anthropogenic threats to endangered killer whales to inform effective recovery plans
Understanding cumulative effects of multiple threats is key to guiding effective management
to conserve endangered species. The critically endangered, Southern Resident killer whale …
to conserve endangered species. The critically endangered, Southern Resident killer whale …
Estimation of a Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Population's Diet Using Sequencing Analysis of DNA from Feces
MJ Ford, J Hempelmann, MB Hanson, KL Ayres… - Plos one, 2016 -
Estimating diet composition is important for understanding interactions between predators
and prey and thus illuminating ecosystem function. The diet of many species, however, is …
and prey and thus illuminating ecosystem function. The diet of many species, however, is …
Adaptive prolonged postreproductive life span in killer whales
Prolonged life after reproduction is difficult to explain evolutionarily unless it arises as a
physiological side effect of increased longevity or it benefits related individuals (ie, increases …
physiological side effect of increased longevity or it benefits related individuals (ie, increases …