An optimized Eulerian–Lagrangian method for two-phase flow with coarse particles: Implementation in open-source field operation and manipulation, verification, and …
Y Zhang, XB Lu, XH Zhang - Physics of Fluids, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
The solid–liquid two-phase flow with coarse particles is ubiquitous in natural phenomena
and engineering practice, which is characterized by coarse particles, high particle …
and engineering practice, which is characterized by coarse particles, high particle …
Kinematic waves and collision effects in dense fluid–particle flow during hydraulic conveying
The effects of fluid–particle and particle–particle interactions on the kinematic waves and
particle dynamics in a vertical pipe with continuous upward fluid flow are investigated. The …
particle dynamics in a vertical pipe with continuous upward fluid flow are investigated. The …
Calculation of particle volume fraction in computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method simulation of particulate flows with coarse particles
Computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method is frequently used for modeling
particulate flows due to its high efficiency and satisfactory accuracy. The particle volume …
particulate flows due to its high efficiency and satisfactory accuracy. The particle volume …
Numerical treatments for large eddy simulations of liquid–liquid dispersions via population balance equation
In this work, we employ the two-fluid model under the large eddy simulations (LES)
framework to investigate liquid–liquid dispersions in stirred tanks. The population balance …
framework to investigate liquid–liquid dispersions in stirred tanks. The population balance …
An optimized volume of fluid method for modelling three-dimensional debris flows. Implementation in OpenFOAM, validation, and application in the Aiwa Watershed …
Debris flows are a common type of geological hazard. They move down slopes at rapid
speeds, causing severe damage to buildings and humans. It is of great significance to study …
speeds, causing severe damage to buildings and humans. It is of great significance to study …
Comparison of Eulerian QBMM and classical Eulerian–Eulerian method for the simulation of polydisperse bubbly flows
The spatial gas distribution of poly‐disperse bubbly flows depends greatly on the bubble
size. To reflect the resulting polycelerity, more than two momentum balance equations …
size. To reflect the resulting polycelerity, more than two momentum balance equations …
Volume-of-fluid-based implementation for the spatiotemporal variation of viscosity in grouting process: transport time tracking approach
YC Zhang, DD Pan, DY Li, ZH Xu - Acta Geotechnica, 2024 - Springer
Due to the spatiotemporal variation of viscosity, the simulation of grouting processes is quite
challenging. In this work, based on the volume-of-fluid method, the transport time tracking …
challenging. In this work, based on the volume-of-fluid method, the transport time tracking …
QEEFoam: A Quasi-Eulerian-Eulerian model for polydisperse turbulent gas-liquid flows. Implementation in OpenFOAM, verification and validation
In this paper we present a new multiphase computational model for polydisperse turbulent
gas-liquid flows. In this model the gas phase is transported by a single convection equation …
gas-liquid flows. In this model the gas phase is transported by a single convection equation …
深海能源的开发利用**年来受到各国关注, 而深海矿石是深海能源的重要组成部分.
文章以深海采矿的垂直管水力输送为研究背景, 其管道内流的典型特征是颗粒级配宽且颗粒浓度 …
文章以深海采矿的垂直管水力输送为研究背景, 其管道内流的典型特征是颗粒级配宽且颗粒浓度 …
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Daughter Distribution in Liquid‐Liquid Stirred Tanks
The drop size distributions (DSDs) of a dilute immiscible liquid‐liquid mixture were
measured in a fully turbulent stirred tank operating at different impeller speeds. The results …
measured in a fully turbulent stirred tank operating at different impeller speeds. The results …