[HTML][HTML] Variability in the three-dimensional geometry of segmented normal fault surfaces

V Roche, G Camanni, C Childs, T Manzocchi… - Earth-Science …, 2021 - Elsevier
Normal faults are often complex three-dimensional structures comprising multiple sub-
parallel segments separated by intact or breached relay zones. Relay zones are classified …

3D geomechanical modeling and numerical simulation of in-situ stress fields in shale reservoirs: a case study of the lower Cambrian Niutitang formation in the Cen' …

J Liu, W Ding, H Yang, R Wang, S Yin, A Li, F Fu - Tectonophysics, 2017 - Elsevier
An analysis of the in-situ state of stress in a shale reservoir was performed based on
comprehensive information about the subsurface properties from wellbores established …

Geomechanical simulation of low-order fracture of tight sandstone

S Yin, Z Wu - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020 - Elsevier
The core factors in the study of fractures within tight sandstone reservoirs are tectonics,
geomechanics and fluid mobility, which are not independent but are coupled to each other …

Mechanical earth modeling for a vertical well drilled in a naturally fractured tight carbonate gas reservoir in the Persian Gulf

T Kidambi, GS Kumar - Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016 - Elsevier
In this study, a comprehensive integrated geomechanical analysis has been performed for
the construction of a one-dimensional Mechanical Earth Model (MEM) for a vertical well …

Comprehensive analysis of stress magnitude and orientations and natural fractures in complex structural regimes oil reservoir: Implications for tectonic and oil field …

NM Bashmagh, W Lin, AE Radwan… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2024 - Elsevier
Complex structures with different stress regimes pose challenges in tectonic studies and
have implications for the oil and gas industry. The analysis of in-situ stress state and natural …

Organic geochemistry of crude oils and Cretaceous source rocks in the Iranian sector of the Persian Gulf: An oil–oil and oil–source rock correlation study

ZS Mashhadi, AR Rabbani - International Journal of Coal Geology, 2015 - Elsevier
The marls and argillaceous limestones of the Cretaceous Kazhdumi Formation, Ahmadi
Member of the Sarvak Formation and Gurpi Formation are considered to be important …

[HTML][HTML] Relative permeability evolution with thermo-poromechanical process during N2 and scCO2 injection in brine saturated Deadwood sandstone from Aquistore

A Haghi, R Chalaturnyk - International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2024 - Elsevier
This study delves into the intrinsic and multiphase flow properties, specifically steady-state
drainage relative permeability, of a subsurface Deadwood sandstone from the Aquistore CO …

The state of stress in SW Iran and implications for hydraulic fracturing of a naturally fractured carbonate reservoir

AH Haghi, R Chalaturnyk, H Ghobadi - International Journal of Rock …, 2018 - Elsevier
The first part of this study provides an interpretation of the present-day stress state and
mechanical parameters for the giant Bangestan reservoir in SW Iran. A total of 28 drilling …

Stress-dependent pore deformation effects on multiphase flow properties of porous media

AH Haghi*, R Chalaturnyk, S Talman - Scientific Reports, 2019 - nature.com
Relative permeability and capillary pressure are the governing parameters that characterize
multiphase fluid flow in porous media for diverse natural and industrial applications …

3D numerical simulation of heterogeneous in situ stress field in low-permeability reservoirs

J Feng, L Shang, X Li, P Luo - Petroleum Science, 2019 - Springer
Abstract Analysis of the in situ stress orientation and magnitude in the No. 4 Structure of
Nanpu Sag was performed on the basis of data obtained from borehole breakout and …