[HTML][HTML] Subcritical bifurcation of two self-excited interacting swirl flames

J Lee, J Park, D Han, KT Kim - Journal of the Korean Society of …, 2019 - jkosco.org
The nonlinear bifurcation behavior of two self-excited interacting swirl flames was
investigated in a model lean-premixed gas turbine combustor. We examined the system's …

Combustion instability analysis of a model gas turbine by application of dynamic mode decomposition

Y Wang, J Son, CH Sohn, J Yoon, J Bae, Y Yoon - 한국연소학회지, 2019 - dbpia.co.kr
Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) technique is applied to analyze combustion
instabilities in a model gas turbine combustor. The flame transfer function (FTF) obtained by …

Acoustic coupling between longitudinal and transverse modes in an annular gas turbine combustor

J Kim, D Kim - Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion, 2018 - koreascience.kr
Transverse acoustic mode in annular combustion chambers affects air-fuel mixing
characteristics in the nozzle and can result in heat release fluctuations in the combustor. In …

Review of entropy wave in a gas turbine combustor

D Kim, M Yoon - Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion, 2018 - koreascience.kr
Entropy waves (or hot spots) in a gas turbine combustor are generated by irregular heat
release from flames, then can be coupled with acoustic waves when they are accelerated at …

상호작용하는 두 스월 안정 화염에서 발생하는 준임계 분기 현상

J Lee, J Park, D Han, KT Kim - JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN …, 2019 - koasas.kaist.ac.kr
The nonlinear bifurcation behavior of two self-excited interacting swirl flames was
investigated in a model lean-premixed gas turbine combustor. We examined the system's …

희박 예혼합 저선회 연소기에서 화염부상높이에 관한 고찰

정황희, 이복직, 한민석, 이기만 - 한국연소학회지, 2018 - dbpia.co.kr
Experiments were carried out to study the flame liftoff height (FLH) and flame stabilization at
the fuel-lean region in CH₄/Air premixed flames of a low-swirl combustor. The burner used …

[PDF][PDF] STFT 와 DMD 를 이용한 GH₂/GO₂ 로켓 연소기의 연소불안정성 분석

곽민석, 한희선, 손채훈, 정승민, 최정열 - 한국연소학회지, 2019 - researchgate.net
The post-processing analysis tools, Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) and Dynamic
Mode Decomposition (DMD) were applied to analyze dynamic characteristics of the …

부분 예혼합 화염의 연료 조성에 따른 연소불안정 특성

송원준, 차동진, 인병구 - 한국연소학회지, 2018 - dbpia.co.kr
Combustion instability of synthetic gas in a partially-premixed combustor has been
numerically investigated by varying H₂ percentage of the fuel composition. During …

가스터빈 연소기에서 엔트로피파에 대한 고찰

김대식, 윤명곤 - 한국연소학회지, 2018 - dbpia.co.kr
Entropy waves (or hot spots) in a gas turbine combustor are generated by irregular heat
release from flames, then can be coupled with acoustic waves when they are accelerated at …

환형 가스터빈 연소기에서 종방향 및 횡방향 음향모드 커플링

김지환, 김대식 - 한국연소학회지, 2018 - dbpia.co.kr
Transverse acoustic mode in annular combustion chambers affects air-fuel mixing
characteristics in the nozzle and can result in heat release fluctuations in the combustor. In …