[HTML][HTML] Cenozoic plant diversity of Yunnan: a review

Y Huang, L Jia, Q Wang, V Mosbrugger, T Utescher… - Plant Diversity, 2016 - Elsevier
Yunnan in southwestern China is renowned for its high plant diversity. To understand how
this modern botanical richness formed, it is critical to investigate the past biodiversity …

Community composition and structure of a 25-ha forest dynamics plot of subtropical forest in Baishanzu, Zhejiang Province

X Liu, Y Wu, M Zhang, X Chen, Z Zhu… - Biodiversity …, 2024 - biodiversity-science.net
Aim This study surveys the species composition, floristic characteristics, size-class
distribution and spatial distribution of dominant species within the subtropical evergreen …

Contents and protocols for the classification and description of Vegetation Formations, Alliances and Associations of vegetation of China

GH Wang, JY Fang, K Guo, ZQ **e… - Chinese Journal of …, 2020 - plant-ecology.com
Vegegraphy, a compound word of prefix “vege-” of “vegetation” and suffix of “-
graphy”(description), is a series of monographs that describe species composition …

Biogeographical evidences help revealing the origin of Hainan Island

H Zhu - PloS one, 2016 - journals.plos.org
Both the continental or island origin of Hainan, and the Indo-Malaysian or East Asian affinity
of its flora, are debatable. In this study, 196 families, 1283 genera and 3894 species of …

《 **植被志》 研编内容与规范

王国宏, 方精云, 郭柯, 谢宗**, 唐志尧, 沈泽昊… - 植物生态 …, 2020 - plant-ecology.com
植被志是基于植被(或植物群落) 调查资料, 全面记叙植被的外貌, 物种组成, 结构和功能,
以及地理分布和生境条件等特征, 并对同类植被进行归纳和总结的志书.《 **植被志》 …


祝燕, 赵谷风, 张俪文, 沈国春, 米湘成, 任海保… - 植物生态 …, 2008 - plant-ecology.com
亚热带常绿阔叶林是世界上主要植被类型之一, 集中分布于我国, 其中以中亚热带的常绿阔叶林
最为典型. 为了更好地研究常绿阔叶林森林生物多样性维持机理, 按照CTFS (Centre for Tropical …

[HTML][HTML] Predicting the Potential Distribution of Hylomecon japonica in China under Current and Future Climate Change Based on Maxent Model

Z Cao, L Zhang, X Zhang, Z Guo - Sustainability, 2021 - mdpi.com
Hylomecon japonica is considered a natural medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory,
anticancer and antibacterial activity. The assessment of climate change impact on its habitat …

Implementation of the visual aesthetic quality of slope forest autumn color change into the configuration of tree species

Y Mu, W Lin, X Diao, Z Zhang, J Wang, Z Lu, W Guo… - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Urban expansion leads to changes in the visual aesthetic quality and ecological
degradation of the surrounding slope forest landscapes. Color is a crucial visual element to …

Flora of the savanna-like vegetation in hot dry valleys, southwestern China with implications to their origin and evolution

H Zhu, Y Tan, L Yan, F Liu - The Botanical Review, 2020 - Springer
Savanna-like vegetation and dry thickets occur in hot dry valleys across southwestern
China. Here, the flora and biogeography in hot dry valleys with savanna-like vegetation in …

Species diversity pattern and its drivers of the understory herbaceous plants in a Chinese subtropical forest

K Tian, P Chai, Y Wang, L Chen, H Qian… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Understory herbaceous plants are an important component of forest ecosystems, playing
important roles in species diversity and forest dynamics in forests. However, the current …