[КНИГА][B] Generalized noncrossing partitions and combinatorics of Coxeter groups
D Armstrong - 2009 - ams.org
This memoir is a refinement of the author's PhD thesis—written at Cornell University (2006).
It is primarily a desription of new research but we have also included a substantial amount of …
It is primarily a desription of new research but we have also included a substantial amount of …
Noncrossing partitions
R Simion - Discrete Mathematics, 2000 - Elsevier
Abstract In a 1972 paper, Germain Kreweras investigated noncrossing partitions under the
refinement order relation. His paper set the stage both for a wealth of further enumerative …
refinement order relation. His paper set the stage both for a wealth of further enumerative …
[КНИГА][B] Theory Of 2-structures, The: A Framework For Decomposition And Transformation Of Graphs
A Ehrenfeucht, T Harju, G Rozenberg - 1999 - books.google.com
The theory of 2-structures provides a convenient framework for decomposition and
transformation of mathematical systems where one or several different binary relationships …
transformation of mathematical systems where one or several different binary relationships …
A survey of the Fine numbers
E Deutsch, L Shapiro - Discrete Mathematics, 2001 - Elsevier
The Fine numbers and the Catalan numbers are intimately related. Two manifestations are
the identity C n= 2F n+ F n− 1, n⩾ 1, and the generating function identities F= C/(1+ zC), C …
the identity C n= 2F n+ F n− 1, n⩾ 1, and the generating function identities F= C/(1+ zC), C …
Noncrossing partitions in surprising locations
J McCammond - The American Mathematical Monthly, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
1. INTRODUCTION. Certain mathematical structures make a habit of turning up in the most
diverse of settings. Some obvious examples exhibiting this intrusive type of behavior include …
diverse of settings. Some obvious examples exhibiting this intrusive type of behavior include …
A bijection between ordered trees and 2-Motzkin paths and its many consequences
E Deutsch, LW Shapiro - Discrete Mathematics, 2002 - Elsevier
A new bijection between ordered trees and 2-Motzkin paths is presented, together with its
numerous consequences regarding ordered trees as well as other combinatorial structures …
numerous consequences regarding ordered trees as well as other combinatorial structures …
An introduction to Wishart matrix moments
These lecture notes provide a comprehensive, self-contained introduction to the analysis of
Wishart matrix moments. This study may act as an introduction to some particular aspects of …
Wishart matrix moments. This study may act as an introduction to some particular aspects of …
Signature catalan combinatorics
The Catalan numbers constitute one of the most important sequences in combinatorics.
Catalan objects have been generalized in various directions, including the classical Fuss …
Catalan objects have been generalized in various directions, including the classical Fuss …
Symmetric Linear Bandits with Hidden Symmetry
High-dimensional linear bandits with low-dimensional structure have received considerable
attention in recent studies due to their practical significance. The most common structure in …
attention in recent studies due to their practical significance. The most common structure in …
Counting pattern-free set partitions I: A generalization of Stirling numbers of the second kind
M Klazar - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2000 - Elsevier
A partition u of [k]={1, 2,⋯, k} is contained in another partition v of [l] if [l] has ak-subset on
which v inducesu. We are interested in counting partitions v not containing a given partition …
which v inducesu. We are interested in counting partitions v not containing a given partition …