Intraspecific crop diversity for enhanced crop pollination success. A review
Interspecific crop diversity (eg, intercrop**) has been documented to promote
sustainability in agroecological systems with benefits for pollination services and insect …
sustainability in agroecological systems with benefits for pollination services and insect …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of pollination requirements, pollinators, landscape and management practices on pollination in sweet and sour cherry: A systematic review
Insect-mediated pollination is crucial for global production of multiple pollinator-dependent
crops, including high-value crops like sweet and sour cherry. In the face of increasing …
crops, including high-value crops like sweet and sour cherry. In the face of increasing …
Pollination deficits and their relation with insect pollinator visitation are cultivar-dependent in an entomophilous crop
Insects contribute considerably to global crop pollination, with pollination deficits being
documented for multiple entomophilous or pollinator-dependent crops. Different cultivars of …
documented for multiple entomophilous or pollinator-dependent crops. Different cultivars of …
[HTML][HTML] Optimal pollination thresholds to maximize blueberry production
Pollination management for highbush blueberry crops (Vaccinium spp.) generally depends
on beehives stocked at variable densities, with little consideration given to optimal …
on beehives stocked at variable densities, with little consideration given to optimal …
Higher prevalence of sacbrood virus in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies after pollinating highbush blueberries
Highbush blueberry pollination depends on managed honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) for
adequate fruit sets; however, beekeepers have raised concerns about the poor health of …
adequate fruit sets; however, beekeepers have raised concerns about the poor health of …
How much is enough? optimizing beehive stocking densities to maximize the production of a pollinator-dependent crop
Animal pollination is essential to guarantee the economic viability of pollination-dependent
crops, and honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) play a central role as the most used species …
crops, and honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) play a central role as the most used species …
The specialised buzz pollination syndrome poses a partial barrier to plant invasions
Plants that exhibit generalised pollination syndromes have been hypothesised to become
invasive more easily compared with specialists, yet the degree to which specialised …
invasive more easily compared with specialists, yet the degree to which specialised …
[HTML][HTML] Management factors strongly affect flower-visiting insects in intensive apple orchards
Context Pollination is an essential ecosystem service, and primary pollinators such as
insects are largely declining. Agricultural intensification is one of the main drivers of such …
insects are largely declining. Agricultural intensification is one of the main drivers of such …
Distinct pollinator communities persist among co-flowering specialty crops in Indiana
Diverse bee communities pollinate fruits and vegetables, and the composition of these
communities has been described for many specialty crops in major production regions …
communities has been described for many specialty crops in major production regions …
Genotypic variation in blueberry flower morphology and nectar reward content affects pollinator attraction in a diverse breeding population
Background Pollination is crucial to obtaining optimal blueberry yield and fruit quality.
Despite substantial investments in seasonal beekee** services, blueberry producers …
Despite substantial investments in seasonal beekee** services, blueberry producers …