Global sea-level fluctuations during the Last Interglaciation (MIS 5e)
PJ Hearty, JT Hollin, AC Neumann, MJ O'Leary… - Quaternary Science …, 2007 - Elsevier
The geomorphology and morphostratigraphy of numerous worldwide sites reveal the
relative movements of sea level during the peak of the Last Interglaciation (Marine Isotope …
relative movements of sea level during the peak of the Last Interglaciation (Marine Isotope …
The distribution of carbonate eolianite
B Brooke - Earth-Science Reviews, 2001 - Elsevier
Carbonate eolianite forms distinctive coastal landforms on many mid-latitude continents and
islands. Numerous studies of extensive continental and smaller island deposits in both …
islands. Numerous studies of extensive continental and smaller island deposits in both …
[КНИГА][B] Reconstructing quaternary environments
This third edition of Reconstructing Quaternary Environments has been completely revised
and updated to provide a new account of the history and scale of environmental changes …
and updated to provide a new account of the history and scale of environmental changes …
Markers of the last interglacial sea-level high stand along the coast of Italy: tectonic implications
A compilation of the Marine Isotope Substage (MIS) 5.5 high stand (∼ 125Ka) sites
spanning the coastline of Italy allows a picture of the vertical displacement pattern affecting …
spanning the coastline of Italy allows a picture of the vertical displacement pattern affecting …
[КНИГА][B] Geomorphological techniques
A Goudie - 2003 - taylorfrancis.com
The specialist contributors to Geomorphological Techniques have thoroughly augmented
and updated their original, authoritative coverage with critical evaluations of major recent …
and updated their original, authoritative coverage with critical evaluations of major recent …
[КНИГА][B] Age determination of young rocks and artifacts: physical and chemical clocks in quaternary geology and archaeology
GA Wagner - 1998 - books.google.com
Dating the Quaternary, which covers approximately the last 2 million years, has experienced
considerable progress over the past few decades. On the one hand, this resulted from the …
considerable progress over the past few decades. On the one hand, this resulted from the …
Pleistocene raised marine terraces of the Spanish Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts: records of coastal uplift, sea-level highstands and climate changes
Detailed geological map**, morphostratigraphic, palaeontological and geochronological
(uranium-series) analyses were undertaken on the raised marine terraces and interbedded …
(uranium-series) analyses were undertaken on the raised marine terraces and interbedded …
Deformation of the 125 ka marine terrace in Italy: tectonic implications
In peninsular Italy, marine terraces and shorelines created during oxygen-isotope substage
5e, known historically as the Tyrrhenian highstand, provide a reliable and homogeneous …
5e, known historically as the Tyrrhenian highstand, provide a reliable and homogeneous …
Timing and warmth of the Last Interglacial period: new U-series evidence from Hawaii and Bermuda and a new fossil compilation for North America
DR Muhs, KR Simmons, B Steinke - Quaternary Science Reviews, 2002 - Elsevier
The timing and duration of the Last Interglacial period have been controversial, with some
studies suggesting a relatively short duration that is orbitally forced and others suggesting a …
studies suggesting a relatively short duration that is orbitally forced and others suggesting a …
Archean to Recent aeolian sand systems and their sedimentary record: current understanding and future prospects
The sedimentary record of aeolian sand systems extends from the A rchean to the Q
uaternary, yet current understanding of aeolian sedimentary processes and product remains …
uaternary, yet current understanding of aeolian sedimentary processes and product remains …