An epistemic probabilistic logic with conditional probabilities

Š Dautović, D Doder, Z Ognjanović - … , JELIA 2021, Virtual Event, May 17 …, 2021‏ - Springer
We present a proof-theoretical and model-theoretical approach to reasoning about
knowledge and conditional probability. We extend both the language of epistemic logic and …

A first-order logic for reasoning about knowledge and probability

S Tomović, Z Ognjanović, D Doder - ACM Transactions on …, 2020‏ -
We present a first-order probabilistic epistemic logic, which allows combining operators of
knowledge and probability within a group of possibly infinitely many agents. We define its …

Probabilistic reasoning about simply typed lambda terms

S Ghilezan, J Ivetić, S Kašterović, Z Ognjanović… - Logical Foundations of …, 2018‏ - Springer
Abstract Reasoning with uncertainty has gained an important role in computer science,
artificial intelligence and cognitive science. These applications urge for development of …

Logics for reasoning about degrees of confirmation

Š DautoviĆ, D Doder… - Journal of Logic and …, 2021‏ -
In this paper, we present a first-order and a propositional logic for reasoning about degrees
of confirmation. We define the appropriate formal languages and describe the …

A decidable multi-agent logic with iterations of upper and lower probability operators

D Doder, N Savić, Z Ognjanović - … 2018, Budapest, Hungary, May 14–18 …, 2018‏ - Springer
We present a propositional logic for reasoning about higher-order upper and lower
probabilities. The main technical result is the proof of decidability of the introduced logical …

Multi-agent logics for reasoning about higher-order upper and lower probabilities

D Doder, N Savić, Z Ognjanović - Journal of Logic, Language and …, 2020‏ - Springer
We present a propositional and a first-order logic for reasoning about higher-order upper
and lower probabilities. We provide sound and complete axiomatizations for the logics and …

Coalgebraic Modal Logic for Dynamic Systems with Uncertainty

A Gallardo, I Viglizzo - arxiv preprint arxiv:2403.06177, 2024‏ -
In this paper we define a class of polynomial functors suited for constructing coalgebras
representing processes in which uncertainty plays an important role. In these polynomial …

Reasoning about degrees of confirmation

Š Dautović, D Doder, Z Ognjanović - … 2020, Hangzhou, China, April 6–9 …, 2020‏ - Springer
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[PDF][PDF] Probabilistic deontic logics for reasoning about uncertain norms

V de Wit, D Doder, JJ Meyer - Journal of Applied Logics, 2023‏ -
In this article, we present a proof-theoretical and model-theoretical approach to probabilistic
logic for reasoning about uncertainty about normative statements. We introduce two logics …

Logics with probability operators

Z Ognjanović, A Ilić-Stepić - Probabilistic extensions of various logical …, 2020‏ - Springer
This chapter presents the logic LFOP 1 which may be suitable to formalize reasoning about
degrees of beliefs. The aim is that this chapter serves as an illustration for syntax, semantics …