Chemistry and composition of fish otoliths: pathways, mechanisms and applications

SE Campana - Marine ecology progress series, 1999 -
The fish otolith (earstone) has long been known as a timekeeper, but interest in its use as a
metabolically inert environmental recorder has accelerated in recent years. In part due to …

Accuracy, precision and quality control in age determination, including a review of the use and abuse of age validation methods

SE Campana - Journal of fish biology, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
Many calcified structures produce periodic growth increments useful for age determination at
the annual or daily scale. However, age determination is invariably accompanied by various …

Otoliths, increments, and elements: keys to a comprehensive understanding of fish populations?

SE Campana, SR Thorrold - Canadian Journal of Fisheries and …, 2001 -
The chronological properties of otoliths are unparalleled in the animal world, allowing
accurate estimates of age and growth at both the daily and the yearly scale. Based on the …

Self-recruitment in a coral reef fish population

GP Jones, MJ Milicich, MJ Emslie, C Lunow - Nature, 1999 -
The question of how far the larvae of marine organisms disperse is fundamental to an
understanding of their population dynamics,,, the management of exploited species, and the …

Emerging issues and methodological advances in fisheries reproductive biology

SK Lowerre‐Barbieri… - Marine and Coastal …, 2011 -
Although incorporating detailed reproductive data into all stock assessments is not a
practical goal, the need to understand how reproductive biology affects population …

Effects of adult age and size structure on reproductive output in marine fishes

EA Trippel, OS Kjesbu, P Solemdal - Early life history and recruitment in …, 1997 - Springer
In recent decades, levels of exploitation exerted on many fish stocks* have been extreme
and the fishing gear frequently employed has removed large members of stocks (Policansky …

Explosive morphological diversification of spiny-finned teleost fishes in the aftermath of the end-Cretaceous extinction

M Friedman - Proceedings of the Royal Society B …, 2010 -
The spiny-finned teleost fishes (Acanthomorpha) include nearly one-third of all living
vertebrate species and assume a bewildering array of bodyplans, but the macroevolutionary …

Bomb dating and age determination of large pelagic sharks

SE Campana, LJ Natanson… - Canadian Journal of …, 2002 -
Despite their notoriety and role as apex predators, the longevity of large pelagic sharks such
as the porbeagle (Lamna nasus) and shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) is unknown …

Methods for trophic ecology assessment in fishes: a critical review of stomach analyses

EL da Silveira, N Semmar, JE Cartes… - Reviews in Fisheries …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Assessment of fish trophic ecology in natural environments is imperative to understand
biological and ecological requirements, supporting the management and conservation of …

Comparison of accuracy, precision, and sensitivity in elemental assays of fish otoliths using the electron microprobe, proton-induced X-ray emission, and laser …

SE Campana, SR Thorrold, CM Jones… - Canadian Journal of …, 1997 -
La composition élémentaire des otolithes de poisson est d'une importance considérable
pour ceux qui désirent reconstruire les antécédents de poissons individuels du point de vue …