[HTML][HTML] Energy-efficient routing protocols for wireless sensor networks: Architectures, strategies, and performance
Recent developments in low-power communication and signal processing technologies
have led to the extensive implementation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In a WSN …
have led to the extensive implementation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In a WSN …
A survey on successors of LEACH protocol
Even after 16 years of existence, low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol
is still gaining the attention of the research community working in the area of wireless sensor …
is still gaining the attention of the research community working in the area of wireless sensor …
Fault tolerance in WSN through PE‐LEACH protocol
The fault is inevitable in case of the wireless sensor network (WSN) because of its remote
deployment and constrained architecture. In literature, many algorithms have been …
deployment and constrained architecture. In literature, many algorithms have been …
A survey on WSN issues with its heuristics and meta-heuristics solutions
A wireless sensor networks (WSN's) has stimulated significant research work among the
researchers in monitoring and tracking tasks. It'sa quite challenging task that needs to cope …
researchers in monitoring and tracking tasks. It'sa quite challenging task that needs to cope …
Variants of the low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy protocol: Survey, issues and challenges
A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a modern technology in radio communication. A WSN
comprises a number of sensors that are randomly spread in a specific area for sensing and …
comprises a number of sensors that are randomly spread in a specific area for sensing and …
Energy-efficient adaptive clustering and routing protocol for expanding the life cycle of the IoT-based wireless sensor network
MA Majid - 2022 6th International Conference on Computing …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In wireless sensor networks (WSN), clustering is one of the most significant ways of
extending the network's lifetime. A clustering protocol effectively ensures that nodes save …
extending the network's lifetime. A clustering protocol effectively ensures that nodes save …
Hybrid energy-efficient APTEEN protocol based on ant colony algorithm in wireless sensor network
J Ma, S Wang, C Meng, Y Ge, J Du - EURASIP Journal on Wireless …, 2018 - Springer
Due to the limited energy of the sensor nodes, the unreasonable clustering routing algorithm
will cause node premature death and low utilization of energy efficiency in wireless sensor …
will cause node premature death and low utilization of energy efficiency in wireless sensor …
A comprehensive review on successors of LEACH protocols in wireless sensor networks
GK Nigam - … Journal of Sensors Wireless Communications and …, 2022 - benthamdirect.com
Background: LEACH protocol, even after 20 years, is of interest due to the consideration of
the examination network, using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that demonstrate the …
the examination network, using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that demonstrate the …
A markov model for investigating the impact of IEEE802. 15.4 MAC layer parameters and number of clusters on the performance of wireless sensor networks
H Hadaidian Nejad Yousefi, Y Seifi Kavian… - Wireless …, 2019 - Springer
In this paper, a new analytical model is presented for cluster-based sensor networks using
the non-beacon-enabled mode of IEEE802. 15.4 MAC protocol. To accurately investigate …
the non-beacon-enabled mode of IEEE802. 15.4 MAC protocol. To accurately investigate …
Reliability Assessment of Wireless Sensor Networks by Strain-Based Region Analysis for Redundancy Estimation in Measurements on the Example of an Aircraft …
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are attracting increasing research interest due to their
ability to monitor large areas independently. Their reliability is a crucial issue, as it is …
ability to monitor large areas independently. Their reliability is a crucial issue, as it is …