Particle acceleration by magnetic reconnection in geospace
Particles are accelerated to very high, non-thermal energies during explosive energy-
release phenomena in space, solar, and astrophysical plasma environments. While it has …
release phenomena in space, solar, and astrophysical plasma environments. While it has …
Global-scale processes and effects of magnetic reconnection on the geospace environment
Recent multi-point measurements, in particular from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS)
spacecraft, have advanced the understanding of micro-scale aspects of magnetic …
spacecraft, have advanced the understanding of micro-scale aspects of magnetic …
What sustained multi-disciplinary research can achieve: The space weather modeling framework
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)-based global space weather models have mostly been
developed and maintained at academic institutions. While the “free spirit” approach of …
developed and maintained at academic institutions. While the “free spirit” approach of …
Impacts of ionospheric ions on magnetic reconnection and Earth's magnetosphere dynamics
Ionospheric ions (mainly H+, He+, and O+) escape from the ionosphere and populate the
Earth's magnetosphere. Their thermal energies are usually low when they first escape the …
Earth's magnetosphere. Their thermal energies are usually low when they first escape the …
The variable source of the plasma sheet during a geomagnetic storm
Both solar wind and ionospheric sources contribute to the magnetotail plasma sheet, but
how their contribution changes during a geomagnetic storm is an open question. The source …
how their contribution changes during a geomagnetic storm is an open question. The source …
Modeling ion conic formation in Io's auroral footprint
Energetic ions outflowing from Jupiter's atmosphere was observed during Juno's 12th
perijove crossing (PJ12) in the vicinity of Io's auroral footprint and reported by prior studies. It …
perijove crossing (PJ12) in the vicinity of Io's auroral footprint and reported by prior studies. It …
Global driving of auroral precipitation: 1. Balance of sources
The accurate determination of auroral precipitation in global models has remained a
daunting and rather inexplicable obstacle. Understanding the calculation and balance of …
daunting and rather inexplicable obstacle. Understanding the calculation and balance of …
Plasma imaging, local measurement, and tomographic experiment (pilot): A mission concept for transformational multi-scale observations of mass and energy flow …
We currently do not understand the fundamental physical processes that govern mass and
energy flow through the Earth's magnetosphere. Knowledge of these processes is critical to …
energy flow through the Earth's magnetosphere. Knowledge of these processes is critical to …
On the presence and thermalization of cold ions in the exhaust of antiparallel symmetric reconnection
Using fully kinetic 2.5 dimensional particle-in-cell simulations of anti-parallel symmetric
magnetic reconnection, we investigate how initially cold ions are captured by the …
magnetic reconnection, we investigate how initially cold ions are captured by the …
MMS observations of dayside warm (several eV to 100 eV) ions in the middle and outer magnetosphere
Warm (several eV to 100 eV) ions are an important, and still poorly understood, component
of the magnetospheric plasma environment. We present the first comprehensive statistical …
of the magnetospheric plasma environment. We present the first comprehensive statistical …