The relationship among corporate social responsibility, sustainability and organizational performance in pharmaceutical sector: A literature review
K Saxena, S Balani, P Srivastava - International Journal of …, 2021 -
Purpose This study aims to review the extant literature in pharmaceutical sector on corporate
social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and organizational performance to explore if a …
social responsibility (CSR), sustainability and organizational performance to explore if a …
The non-financial reporting practices of Hungarian listed public interest entities considering the 2014/95/EU Directive
Purpose This paper aims to investigate the non-financial reporting (NFR) practices of
Hungarian listed public interest entities for 2016–2018 in terms of the required disclosure …
Hungarian listed public interest entities for 2016–2018 in terms of the required disclosure …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of pharmaceutical R&D activity on financial flexibility and bargaining power
The specificities of pharmaceutical companies' activities also have an impact on their ability
to improve profitability compared to other sectors. Examples of such specificities include …
to improve profitability compared to other sectors. Examples of such specificities include …
Integrated reporting adoption in SMEs: incentives and disincentives
OHA Nada, Z Győri - Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 2024 -
Purpose This study aims to investigate the drivers and challenges of integrated reporting
(IR) adoption in the Hungarian SME context. Design/methodology/approach The study uses …
(IR) adoption in the Hungarian SME context. Design/methodology/approach The study uses …
[PDF][PDF] Profitability of pharmaceutical companies in the Visegrád countries
As an economic and political entity, the European Union is an alliance of 28 Member States
and an indispensable player in the global economy. The Member States of the European …
and an indispensable player in the global economy. The Member States of the European …
Frivillig redovisning i svenska börsnoterade företag: En kvantitativ studie inom sjukvårdssektorn
S Carlsson, N Mehrabi - 2023 -
Metod: Metoden som har tillämpats i denna studie är en kvantitativ metod. Det har först
genomförts korrelationsanalyser mellan de oberoende variablerna, därefter har en …
genomförts korrelationsanalyser mellan de oberoende variablerna, därefter har en …
Humántőke befektetési döntéseket befolyásoló makrotényezők vizsgálata a gyógyszeriparban
G Tömöri - 2024 -
The innovation policies of the pharmaceutical industry are determined mainly by elements of
the macro-environment that influence the strategic directions of the companies. In this …
the macro-environment that influence the strategic directions of the companies. In this …
[PDF][PDF] Impact of Pharmaceutical R&D Activity on Financial Flexibility and Bargaining Power. Economies 10: 277
The specificities of pharmaceutical companies' activities also have an impact on their ability
to improve profitability compared to other sectors. Examples of such specificities include …
to improve profitability compared to other sectors. Examples of such specificities include …
[PDF][PDF] COVID-related disclosure practices of Hungarian entities
ZIKE Lippai-Makra - Economic Forum, 2020 -
The pandemic has brought unexpected challenges to businesses as they need to cope with
the impact of the virus on their sales performance and face the information need of their …
the impact of the virus on their sales performance and face the information need of their …