Polymeric biomaterials for medical implants and devices

AJT Teo, A Mishra, I Park, YJ Kim… - ACS Biomaterials …, 2016 - ACS Publications
In this review article, we focus on the various types of materials used in biomedical
implantable devices, including the polymeric materials used as substrates and for the …

[PDF][PDF] Self-expandable metallic stent placement for the palliation of esophageal cancer

KY Kim, J Tsauo, HY Song, PH Kim… - Journal of Korean …, 2017 - synapse.koreamed.org
Esophageal stents have been used to palliate patients with dysphagia caused by
esophageal cancer. Early rigid plastic prostheses have been associated with a high risk of …

Self-expandable metal stent placement for malignant esophageal strictures–changes in clinical outcomes over time

AN Reijm, P Didden, SJC Schelling, PD Siersema… - …, 2019 - thieme-connect.com
Background Self-expandable metal stents (SEMSs) are effective for improving dysphagia in
patients with incurable esophageal cancer but are also associated with recurrent dysphagia …

Oesophageal stenting: Status quo and future challenges

H Kaltsidis, W Mansoor, JH Park… - The British Journal of …, 2018 - academic.oup.com
Oesophageal stents are widely used for palliating dysphagia from malignant obstruction.
They are also used with increasing frequency in the treatment of oesophageal perforation …

Feasibility of esophageal stent fixation with an over-the-scope-clip for malignant esophageal strictures to prevent migration

KO Watanabe, T Hikichi, J Nakamura… - Endoscopy …, 2017 - thieme-connect.com
Background and study aims Fixation of an esophageal self-expandable metal stent (SEMS)
with an over-the-scope-clip (OTSC) system for a benign stricture to prevent migration has …

Migration of retrievable expandable metallic stents inserted for malignant esophageal strictures: incidence, management, and prognostic factors in 332 patients

JH Park, HY Song, JH Shin, YC Cho, JH Kim… - American Journal of …, 2015 - ajronline.org
OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence, prognostic factors,
and secondary management of stent migration in patients with malignant esophageal …

Comparison of efficacy of self‐expandable metallic stent placement in the unresectable esophageal cancer patients

M Uesato, Y Akutsu, K Murakami, Y Muto… - Gastroenterology …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This is a retrospective study to evaluate the prevention of complications of metallic stent
placement in patients with unresectable advanced esophageal cancer. A total of 87 patients …

[HTML][HTML] Self-expandable metallic stent-induced esophagorespiratory fistulas in patients with advanced esophageal cancer

IR Josino, BC Martins, AA Machado… - Clinical …, 2023 - synapse.koreamed.org
Methods This retrospective study was performed at the Instituto do Cancer do Estado de São
Paulo. All patients with malignant esophageal strictures who underwent esophageal SEMS …

Characterization of tissue chromogranin A (CgA) immunostaining and clinicohistopathological changes for the 125 Chinese patients with primary small cell carcinoma …

JW Ku, DY Zhang, X Song, XM Li… - Diseases of the …, 2017 - academic.oup.com
The rarity of primary small cell carcinoma of the esophagus (PSCE) has limited the clinical
feature and survival analysis with large sample size. Tissue chromogranin A (CgA) protein …

Evaluation of a new esophageal stent for the treatment of malignant and benign esophageal strictures

KY Kim, J Tsauo, HY Song, JH Park, EJ Jun… - Cardiovascular and …, 2017 - Springer
Purpose To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the EGIS esophageal stent for treating
malignant and benign esophageal strictures. Materials and Methods Data of 73 patients …