Career proactivity: A bibliometric literature review and a future research agenda

Z Jiang, Y Wang, W Li, KZ Peng, CH Wu - Applied Psychology, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Individuals often need to be proactive in order to successfully navigate their career
development journeys. To what extent one is vocationally proactive has critical implications …

Career plateau: A review of 40 years of research

WN Yang, K Niven, S Johnson - Journal of vocational behavior, 2019 - Elsevier
A considerable amount of research has been published on career plateau since its first
appearance in the careers literature in the 1970s. There is therefore a need to summarise …

The relationships of age with job attitudes: A meta‐analysis

TWH Ng, DC Feldman - Personnel psychology, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Although organizational research on age has largely focused on the age–performance
relationship, the relationships between age and job attitudes have received less attention …

[PDF][PDF] Human resource development

JM Werner, RL DeSimone, JM Werner, RL DeSimone - 2006 -
Human Page 1 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EDITION < «^^iTOÍtoEto * NL Human Resource
Development \* h -Чв-^. ... qHUlA^^aUk^B Jon M. Werner ■ Randy L DeSimone ^ j& <$>< …

Managerial co** with organizational change: A dispositional perspective.

TA Judge, CJ Thoresen, V Pucik… - Journal of applied …, 1999 -
In a departure from the organizational development literature, this study hypothesized that
managerial responses to organizational change are influenced by 7 dispositional traits …

Mentoring relationships from the perspective of the mentor

TD Allen - The handbook of mentoring at work: Theory, research …, 2007 -
I n his classic study of the career development of men, mentoring others was cited by
Levinson (1978) as a key developmental task for individuals in midcareer. Other career …

Perceptions of nonwork-to-work spillover: Challenging the common view of conflict-ridden domain relationships

C Kirchmeyer - Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 1992 - Taylor & Francis
This study examined the nature and predictors of the spillover from nonwork domains to
work. A sample of 110 men and women from a variety of business settings indicated how …

Career issues.

Y Baruch, N Bozionelos - 2011 -
It has not been simple to arrive at a universally acceptable scientific definition of career.
Nevertheless, definitions revolve around the notion of sequential employment-related …

On develo** a general index of work commitment

G Blau, A Paul, NS John - Journal of vocational behavior, 1993 - Elsevier
The first study tested for work commitment redundancy across four facets-career, job, value,
and organization (Morrow, 1983). The sample consisted of 328 repeat-respondent part-time …

Time is on my side: time, general mental ability, human capital, and extrinsic career success.

TA Judge, RL Klinger, LS Simon - Journal of Applied Psychology, 2010 -
The present study linked general mental ability (GMA) to extrinsic career success using a
multilevel framework that included time and 3 possible time-based mediators of the GMA …