[PDF][PDF] Optimal Location of STATCOM in Nigerian 330kv Network using Ant Colony Optimization Meta-Heuristic

A Fughar, MN Nwohu - Global Journal of Researches in …, 2014‏ - staff.futminna.edu.ng
This paper introduces the ant colony meta-heuristic technique to optimally locate STATCOM
in 330kV Nigerian Network. The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms used the …

[PDF][PDF] Performance evaluation of PSS and STATCOM on oscillation dam** of a North-Central power network of Nigeria grid system

JG Ambafi, MN Nwohu, HO Ohize, OJ Tola - 2012‏ - academia.edu
This research aims at discussing the effective performances of Power System Stabilizer
(PSS) and Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) considered separately in dam** …

[PDF][PDF] Voltage profile enhancement of the Nigerian North-East 330kV power network using STATCOM

F Aribi, MN Nwohu, AA Sadiq, JG Ambafi - 2015‏ - academia.edu
The Nigerian North-East 330kV power network is characterized by low voltage and voltages
outside acceptable limits that hinder quality power supply. Voltage profile of a power …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamic Analysis of Power Loss Minimization and Voltage Profile Enhancement Using UPFC Device

S Natarajan, S Baskar - International Journal of Pure and Applied …, 2017‏ - academia.edu
ABSTRACT Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a versatile FACTS device which can
provide full dynamic control of a transmission line parameters, bus voltage, line impedance …

Application of Differential Evolution Algorithm for Optimal Placement of UPFC for Improved Voltage Stability

M Mustapha, BU Musa, UA Beniskeikh - European Journal of …, 2016‏ - ej-eng.org
T Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is one of the versatile and most effective Flexible
AC transmission System (FACTS) devices which can provide full dynamic control of a …

[CITATION][C] Dynamic analysis of power loss minimization and voltage profile enhancement using UPFC device with differential evolution algorithm

M Mustapha, G Bakare - European Journal of Advances in Engineering and …, 2017