Pemikiran Komputasional dalam Matematik: Satu Tinjauan Literatur Bersistematik
Pemikiran komputasional merupakan salah satu kemahiran yang penting dalam pada abad
ke-21 dalam pelbagai bidang, termasuk bidang pendidikan matematik. Pelbagai kajian …
ke-21 dalam pelbagai bidang, termasuk bidang pendidikan matematik. Pelbagai kajian …
A meta-analysis of the utilization of computer technology in enhancing computational thinking skills: Direction for mathematics learning
The aim of this research is to summarize and observe how interventions affect students'
computational thinking (CT) skills through computer technology. Some common factors …
computational thinking (CT) skills through computer technology. Some common factors …
[PDF][PDF] A constructionist approach to learning computational thinking in mathematics lessons
A Constructionist Approach to Learning Computational Thinking in Mathematics Lessons Page
1 Volume 23, 2024 Accepting Editor Martin D Beer│ Received: May 7, 2024│ Revised: July …
1 Volume 23, 2024 Accepting Editor Martin D Beer│ Received: May 7, 2024│ Revised: July …
CT integration in STEAM learning: Fostering students' creativity by making Batik stamp pattern
Creativity and problem-solving are 21st-century skills that we need to develop in our
students. Research on computational thinking (CT) integration in school subjects and …
students. Research on computational thinking (CT) integration in school subjects and …
Penelitian Computational Thinking Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika
Computational Thinking (CT) merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang mesti dikuasai
peserta didik pada abad 21. CT sudah banyak diteliti oleh dunia, tidak terkecuali negara …
peserta didik pada abad 21. CT sudah banyak diteliti oleh dunia, tidak terkecuali negara …
Computational thinking in mathematics instruction integrated STEAM education: Global trend and students' achievement in the last two decades
Abstract [English]: Present study describes and synthesizes global trend and students' CT
achievement in mathematics instruction integrated STEAM education. A systematic review …
achievement in mathematics instruction integrated STEAM education. A systematic review …
[PDF][PDF] Unveiling the synergistic nexus: AI-driven coding integration in mathematics education for enhanced computational thinking and problem-solving
This paper delves into the symbiotic integration of coding and mathematics education,
aimed at cultivating computational thinking and enriching mathematical problem-solving …
aimed at cultivating computational thinking and enriching mathematical problem-solving …
[PDF][PDF] Computational Thinking in Mathematics Instruction Integrated to STEAM Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
S Suparman, D Juandi, T Turmudi, BAP Martadiputra… - 2025 - temjournal.com
In the early 2000s, computational thinking (CT) has emerged as an essential skill, and
combining mathematics teaching with STEAM education is seen as an effective strategy to …
combining mathematics teaching with STEAM education is seen as an effective strategy to …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan soal tes computational thinking pada materi pecahan di sekolah dasar menggunakan Rasch model
A Andaru - COLLASE (Creative of Learning Students Elementary …, 2022 - core.ac.uk
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen tes pemecahan masalah
berbasis computational thinking disertai analisis menggunakan pemodelan Rasch …
berbasis computational thinking disertai analisis menggunakan pemodelan Rasch …
Teacher Sensemaking on Computational Thinking
SC Yiu - 2022 - search.proquest.com
The existing literature regarding teacher sensemaking has identified that ''sensemaking''is a
plausible and valuable concept in exploring the reasons why teachers have a wide range of …
plausible and valuable concept in exploring the reasons why teachers have a wide range of …