Integrated energy systems of data centers and smart grids: State-of-the-art and future opportunities
Cloud computing platforms are critical cyber infrastructures in modern society. As the
backbone of cloud systems, data centers act as large energy consumers in today's power …
backbone of cloud systems, data centers act as large energy consumers in today's power …
A review on energy efficiency and demand response with focus on small and medium data centers
Data centers are the backbone of a growing number of activities in modern economies.
However, the large increase of digital content, big data, e-commerce, and Internet traffic is …
However, the large increase of digital content, big data, e-commerce, and Internet traffic is …
Let's wait awhile: How temporal workload shifting can reduce carbon emissions in the cloud
Depending on energy sources and demand, the carbon intensity of the public power grid
fluctuates over time. Exploiting this variability is an important factor in reducing the emissions …
fluctuates over time. Exploiting this variability is an important factor in reducing the emissions …
Data centres in future European energy systems—energy efficiency, integration and policy
End-use efficiency, demand response and coupling of different energy vectors are important
aspects of future renewable energy systems. Growth in the number of data centres is leading …
aspects of future renewable energy systems. Growth in the number of data centres is leading …
Data center demand response: Avoiding the coincident peak via workload shifting and local generation
Demand response is a crucial aspect of the future smart grid. It has the potential to provide
significant peak demand reduction and to ease the incorporation of renewable energy into …
significant peak demand reduction and to ease the incorporation of renewable energy into …
Mitigating curtailment and carbon emissions through load migration between data centers
As the share of variable renewable energy (VRE) grows in the electric grid, so does the risk
of curtailment. While energy storage and hydrogen production have been proposed as …
of curtailment. While energy storage and hydrogen production have been proposed as …
Greening geographical load balancing
Energy expenditure has become a significant fraction of data center operating costs.
Recently,“geographical load balancing” has been proposed to reduce energy cost by …
Recently,“geographical load balancing” has been proposed to reduce energy cost by …
How geo-distributed data centers do demand response: A game-theoretic approach
We study the demand response (DR) of geo-distributed data centers (DCs) using smart
grid's pricing signals set by local electric utilities. The geo-distributed DCs are suitable …
grid's pricing signals set by local electric utilities. The geo-distributed DCs are suitable …
Method and apparatus for power management using distributed generation
T Li, C Li - US Patent 9,800,052, 2017 - Google Patents
Embodiments relate to a method and system for power demand sha** (PDS) so as to
manage power generation and use. Specific embodiments relate to data center power …
manage power generation and use. Specific embodiments relate to data center power …
Managing data center cluster as non-wire alternative: A case in balancing market
As the demand for Internet services continues to rise, large-scale Internet companies have
expanded their data center infrastructure across multiple global regions. The inherent spatial …
expanded their data center infrastructure across multiple global regions. The inherent spatial …