[หนังสือ][B] Hydraulic servo-systems: modelling, identification and control
Hydraulic Servo-systems details the basic concepts of many recent developments of
nonlinear identification and nonlinear control and their application to hydraulic servo …
nonlinear identification and nonlinear control and their application to hydraulic servo …
[PDF][PDF] LIEDRIVERS-A Toolbox for the Efficient Computation of Lie Derivatives Based on the Object-Oriented Algorithmic Differentiation Package ADOL-C.
K Röbenack, J Winkler, S Wang - EOOLT, 2011 - eoolt.org
LIEDRIVERS --- A Toolbox for the Efficient Computation of Lie Derivatives Based on the
Object-Oriented Algorithmic Differentiati Page 1 LIEDRIVERS — A Toolbox for the Efficient …
Object-Oriented Algorithmic Differentiati Page 1 LIEDRIVERS — A Toolbox for the Efficient …
[หนังสือ][B] Flachheitsbasierte Regelung: Folgeregelung eines hydraulischen Differentialzylinders
T Wey, M Lemmen - 1997 - researchgate.net
Übersicht: Bei der Regelung von Robotern ist man mit der Aufgabe der Folgeregelung bzw.
Bahnverfolgung konfrontiert. Der Endeffektor soll eine vorgegebene Bahn abfahren …
Bahnverfolgung konfrontiert. Der Endeffektor soll eine vorgegebene Bahn abfahren …
[PDF][PDF] Different nonlinear controllers for hydraulic synchronizing cylinders
M Lemmen, M Bröcker - Fourteenth International Symposium on …, 2000 - mathweb.ucsd.edu
Department of Measurement and Control, FB7/FG8, University of Duisburg, 47048 Duisburg,
Germany. AND: System and Control Group, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical …
Germany. AND: System and Control Group, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical …
An analysis of differential geometric and differential algebraic method for disturbance decoupling of nonlinear systems
M Bröcker - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2000 - Elsevier
In the past few years two methods of nonlinear control theory which have become
increasingly popular are differential geometry and differential algebra. In order to achieve …
increasingly popular are differential geometry and differential algebra. In order to achieve …
An algebraic approach to zero dynamics of nonlinear MIMO systems
T Wey - IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 1998 - Elsevier
In the paper one important concept in systems theory, the zero dynamics, is discussed for
nonlinear systems. In analogy to the linear case the zero dynamics cannot be influenced by …
nonlinear systems. In analogy to the linear case the zero dynamics cannot be influenced by …
CACSD for hydraulic cylinders
M Lemmen, M Brocker - … Aided Control System Design (Cat. No …, 2000 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Hydraulic drives such as synchronizing cylinders or differential cylinders have nonlinear
plant dynamics. This paper demonstrates the advantage of using the computer …
plant dynamics. This paper demonstrates the advantage of using the computer …
Nichtlineare Modellbildung und Regelung für hydraulische Schwenkflügelmotoren (Nonlinear Modeling and Control of Hydraulic Rotary Vane Actuators)
M Bröcker - at-Automatisierungstechnik, 2003 - degruyter.com
Für hydraulische Schwenkflügelmotoren liefert dieser Beitrag umfassende Untersuchungen
zur Modellbildung sowie zu Systemeigenschaften und die Herleitung eines nichtlinearen …
zur Modellbildung sowie zu Systemeigenschaften und die Herleitung eines nichtlinearen …
M Lemmen, M BrScker - researchgate.net
Hydraulic drives such as synchronizing cylinders (also known as double-rod cylinders) or
differential cylinders (also known as single-rod cylinders) have nonlinear plant dynamics …
differential cylinders (also known as single-rod cylinders) have nonlinear plant dynamics …
[PDF][PDF] LIEDRIVERS—A Toolbox for the Efficient Computation of Lie Derivatives Based on the Object-Oriented Algorithmic Differentiation Package ADOL-C
KRJWS Wang - researchgate.net
Lie derivatives are widely used in mathematics and physics. They are usually computed
symbolically using computer algebra software. This symbolic computation might fail for very …
symbolically using computer algebra software. This symbolic computation might fail for very …