The river wave concept: integrating river ecosystem models
We introduce the river wave concept: a simple, holistic model that unifies river ecosystem
concepts. The river wave concept proposes that river flow can be conceptualized as a series …
concepts. The river wave concept proposes that river flow can be conceptualized as a series …
A statistical framework to explore ontogenetic growth variation among individuals and populations: a marine fish example
JR Morrongiello, RE Thresher - Ecological Monographs, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Growth is a fundamental biological process, driven by a multitude of intrinsic (within‐
individual) and extrinsic (environmental) factors, that underpins individual fitness and …
individual) and extrinsic (environmental) factors, that underpins individual fitness and …
Carbon sources supporting large river food webs: a review of ecological theories and evidence from stable isotopes
Quantifying the contributions of carbon sources that support food webs in large rivers is an
important and growing field of ecological research with implications for future management …
important and growing field of ecological research with implications for future management …
Using abiotic drivers of fish spawning to inform environmental flow management
Environmental flows are a key restoration technique for conserving ecological function in
flow‐degraded rivers. Species‐specific, flow–biota relationships are increasingly being used …
flow‐degraded rivers. Species‐specific, flow–biota relationships are increasingly being used …
The global status of freshwater fish age validation studies and a prioritization framework for further research
Age information derived from calcified structures is commonly used to estimate recruitment,
growth, and mortality for fish populations. Validation of daily or annual marks on age …
growth, and mortality for fish populations. Validation of daily or annual marks on age …
Fragmentation of lateral connectivity and fish population dynamics in large rivers
RJ Stoffels, P Humphries, NR Bond… - Fish and Fisheries, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Lateral Hydrological Connectivity (LHC) has been extensively fragmented in river–
floodplain ecosystems of the world. Uncertainties about how LHC affects fishes are great …
floodplain ecosystems of the world. Uncertainties about how LHC affects fishes are great …
Reproductive success of stream fish species in relation to high and low flow patterns: The role of life history strategies and species traits
Hydrological variability is a key factor in structuring biotic and abiotic processes in river
ecosystems and is of particular importance to fish populations. We used 171 hydrological …
ecosystems and is of particular importance to fish populations. We used 171 hydrological …
Fish recruitment in rivers with modified discharge depends on the interacting effects of flow and thermal regimes
Alteration of flow and thermal regimes is a key consequence of human use of river and
floodplain ecosystems, and these impacts result from a range of interacting ecological …
floodplain ecosystems, and these impacts result from a range of interacting ecological …
Effects of high and low flows on abundances of fish species in Central European headwater streams: The role of ecological species traits
Hydrological variability is considered a major structuring factor for biotic and abiotic
processes in freshwater ecosystems and is of particular importance to fish communities. We …
processes in freshwater ecosystems and is of particular importance to fish communities. We …
Flows for native fish in the Murray‐Darling Basin: lessons and considerations for future management
Increased regulation and extraction of water from rivers has contributed to the decline of
fishes, and the use of environmental water allocations (EWA s) is now a key rehabilitation …
fishes, and the use of environmental water allocations (EWA s) is now a key rehabilitation …