[HTML][HTML] Carbon balance in salt marsh and mangrove ecosystems: A global synthesis
DM Alongi - Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2020 - mdpi.com
Mangroves and salt marshes are among the most productive ecosystems in the global
coastal ocean. Mangroves store more carbon (739 Mg CORG ha− 1) than salt marshes (334 …
coastal ocean. Mangroves store more carbon (739 Mg CORG ha− 1) than salt marshes (334 …
Carbon cycling and storage in mangrove forests
DM Alongi - Annual review of marine science, 2014 - annualreviews.org
Mangroves are ecologically and economically important forests of the tropics. They are
highly productive ecosystems with rates of primary production equal to those of tropical …
highly productive ecosystems with rates of primary production equal to those of tropical …
The renaissance of Odum's outwelling hypothesis in'Blue Carbon'science
Abstract The term 'Blue Carbon'was coined about a decade ago to highlight the important
carbon sequestration capacity of coastal vegetated ecosystems. The term has paved the …
carbon sequestration capacity of coastal vegetated ecosystems. The term has paved the …
Mangrove mortality in a changing climate: An overview
Mangroves provide vital ecosystem services at the dynamic interface between land and
oceans. Recent reports of mangrove mortality suggest that mangroves may be adversely …
oceans. Recent reports of mangrove mortality suggest that mangroves may be adversely …
Occurrence, bioavailability and toxic effects of trace metals and organic contaminants in mangrove ecosystems: a review
S Bayen - Environment international, 2012 - Elsevier
Although their ecological and socioeconomic importance has received recent attention,
mangrove ecosystems are one of the most threatened tropical environments. Besides direct …
mangrove ecosystems are one of the most threatened tropical environments. Besides direct …
Groundwater‐derived dissolved inorganic and organic carbon exports from a mangrove tidal creek: The missing mangrove carbon sink?
A majority of the global net primary production of mangroves is unaccounted for by current
carbon budgets. It has been hypothesized that this “missing carbon” is exported as dissolved …
carbon budgets. It has been hypothesized that this “missing carbon” is exported as dissolved …
Deconstructing the mangrove carbon cycle: Gains, transformation, and losses
Mangroves are one of the most carbon‐dense forests on the Earth and have been
highlighted as key ecosystems for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Hundreds of …
highlighted as key ecosystems for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Hundreds of …
Carbon outwelling and outgassing vs. burial in an estuarine tidal creek surrounded by mangrove and saltmarsh wetlands
Mangrove‐and saltmarsh‐dominated estuaries have high rates of organic carbon burial.
Here, we estimate soil, pore water, and surface‐water carbon fluxes in an Australian …
Here, we estimate soil, pore water, and surface‐water carbon fluxes in an Australian …
[HTML][HTML] Relevance and magnitude of'Blue Carbon'storage in mangrove sediments: Carbon accumulation rates vs. stocks, sources vs. sinks
TC Jennerjahn - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2020 - Elsevier
Mangrove ecosystems store large amounts of'Blue Carbon', in particular in the sediment.
Research in the past decade has emphasized the quantitative significance of carbon …
Research in the past decade has emphasized the quantitative significance of carbon …
Mechanisms and ecological role of carbon transfer within coastal seascapes
Worldwide, coastal systems provide some of the most productive habitats, which potentially
influence a range of marine and terrestrial ecosystems through the transfer of nutrients and …
influence a range of marine and terrestrial ecosystems through the transfer of nutrients and …