The critical importance of Old World fruit bats for healthy ecosystems and economies
Despite extensive documentation of the ecological and economic importance of Old World
fruit bats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) and the many threats they face from humans, negative …
fruit bats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) and the many threats they face from humans, negative …
The ecology of Nipah virus in Bangladesh: a nexus of land-use change and opportunistic feeding behavior in bats
Nipah virus is a bat-borne paramyxovirus that produces yearly outbreaks of fatal
encephalitis in Bangladesh. Understanding the ecological conditions that lead to spillover …
encephalitis in Bangladesh. Understanding the ecological conditions that lead to spillover …
The genetic diversity of Nipah virus across spatial scales
Abstract Background Nipah virus (NiV), a highly lethal virus in humans, circulates in
Pteropus bats throughout South and Southeast Asia. Difficulty in obtaining viral genomes …
Pteropus bats throughout South and Southeast Asia. Difficulty in obtaining viral genomes …
The value of local community knowledge in species distribution modelling for a threatened Neotropical parrot
Species distribution models are widely used in conservation planning, but obtaining the
necessary occurrence data can be challenging, particularly for rare species. In these cases …
necessary occurrence data can be challenging, particularly for rare species. In these cases …
Ground-based counting methods underestimate true numbers of a threatened colonial mammal: an evaluation using drone-based thermal surveys as a reference
Context Accurate and precise monitoring practises are key for effective wildlife conservation
management; providing reliable estimates of spatiotemporal changes in species abundance …
management; providing reliable estimates of spatiotemporal changes in species abundance …
Map** risk of Nipah virus transmission from bats to humans in Thailand
Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic virus that can pose a serious threat to human and livestock
health. Old-world fruit bats (Pteropus spp.) are the natural reservoir hosts for NiV, and …
health. Old-world fruit bats (Pteropus spp.) are the natural reservoir hosts for NiV, and …
Two decades of one health surveillance of Nipah virus in Thailand
Abstract Background Nipah virus (NiV) infection causes encephalitis and has> 75% mortality
rate, making it a WHO priority pathogen due to its pandemic potential. There have been NiV …
rate, making it a WHO priority pathogen due to its pandemic potential. There have been NiV …
Local hunting practices and perceptions regarding the distribution and ecological role of the Large Flying Fox (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae: Pteropus vampyrus) in …
Pteropodids such as flying foxes are declining rapidly across their range due to human
activities, despite their benefit to humans through ecosystem services. The Large Flying Fox …
activities, despite their benefit to humans through ecosystem services. The Large Flying Fox …
The genetic diversity of Nipah virus across spatial scales
Nipah virus (NiV), a highly lethal virus in humans, circulates silently in Pteropus bats
throughout South and Southeast Asia. Difficulty in obtaining genomes from bats means we …
throughout South and Southeast Asia. Difficulty in obtaining genomes from bats means we …
An assessment of the niche centroid hypothesis: Pteropus lylei (Chiroptera)
Recent ecological theories propose that species reach their highest abundance and genetic
diversity in the center of their ecological niche and decline toward the edges. We assessed …
diversity in the center of their ecological niche and decline toward the edges. We assessed …