[HTML][HTML] Origin of blue sapphire in newly discovered spinel–chlorite–muscovite rocks within meta-ultramafites of Ilmen Mountains, South Urals of Russia: Evidence …

ES Sorokina, MA Rassomakhin, SN Nikandrov… - Minerals, 2019 - mdpi.com
Blue sapphire of gem quality was recently discovered in spinel–chlorite–muscovite rock
within meta-ultramafites near the Ilmenogorsky alkaline complex in the Ilmen Mountains of …

[HTML][HTML] Gemstones of Greece: geology and crystallizing environments

P Voudouris, C Mavrogonatos, I Graham, G Giuliani… - Minerals, 2019 - mdpi.com
In the Hellenides Orogen, minerals of various gem quality occur in various rock types from
mainly four tectono-metamorphic units, the Rhodope, Pelagonian, and the Attico-Cycladic …

[HTML][HTML] Gem corundum deposits of Greece: Geology, mineralogy and genesis

P Voudouris, C Mavrogonatos, I Graham, G Giuliani… - Minerals, 2019 - mdpi.com
Greece contains several gem corundum deposits set within diverse geological settings,
mostly within the Rhodope (Xanthi and Drama areas) and Attico-Cycladic (Naxos and Ikaria …

Tales from xenoliths: the link between the Papôa Volcanic Breccia and the Berlengas Archipelago (West Portugal)—geodynamic implications

AR Rosa, P Cachapuz, TB dos Santos, I Pereira… - Journal of Iberian …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract The Papôa Volcanic Breccia (Peniche, West Portugal) is a Mesozoic pyroclastic
deposit that includes numerous igneous and metamorphic xenoliths belonging to the …

[HTML][HTML] Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Corundum from Primary Deposits Found in Greece

V Karantoni, S Karampelas, P Voudouris, V Melfos… - Minerals, 2021 - mdpi.com
Corundum primary deposits in Greece occur in four locations: Paranesti in Drama and
Gorgona in Xanthi, both belonging to the wider Rhodope Massif, as well as, Ikaria island …

[HTML][HTML] Fingerprinting Paranesti rubies through oxygen isotopes

KK Wang, IT Graham, L Martin, P Voudouris, G Giuliani… - Minerals, 2019 - mdpi.com
In this study, the oxygen isotope (δ18O) composition of pink to red gem-quality rubies from
Paranesti, Greece was investigated using in-situ secondary ionization mass spectrometry …

Trace Element Geochemistry and Mineral Inclusions Constraints on the Petrogenesis of a Marble–Hosted Ruby Deposit in Yunnan Province, China

W Huang, P Ni, T Shui, J Pan, M Fan… - The Canadian …, 2021 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Primary rubies in the Ailao Shan of Yunnan Province, China, are found in three layers of
marble. However, the origin and source rocks of placer rubies in the Yuanjiang area remains …

Metamorphosed carbonate platforms and controls on the genesis of sapphire, gem spinel, and lapis lazuli: Insight from the Lake Harbour Group, Nunavut, Canada …

PM Belley, LA Groat - Ore Geology Reviews, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract Baffin Island's Lake Harbour Group (LHG), a Paleoproterozoic granulite facies
metasedimentary sequence rich in carbonates, contains occurrences of the gemstones …

Microscopic Blue Sapphire in Nelsonite from the Western Adirondack Mountains of New York State, USA

RS Darling, JL Gordon, ER Loew - Minerals, 2019 - mdpi.com
Microscopic, non-gem quality, grains of blue sapphire (corundum) have been identified in a
small (1–2 cm wide), discontinuous, dike of nelsonite hosted by aluminous feldspathic …

[PDF][PDF] Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics and fluid regime of corundum-bearing metasomatites of the Belomorian mobile belt (Eastern Fennoscandia)

AE Yurjevna - 2023 - disser.spbu.ru
Corundum is formed in a variety of geological settings, but it is quite rare, because it requires
a silica-depleted (otherwise, aluminum is included in aluminosilicates-feldspars, micas) and …