[KNYGA][B] Advanced computer architecture: parallelism, scalability, programmability

K Hwang, N Jotwani - 1993 - academia.edu
Course Syllabus Course Title: Advanced Computer Architecture Page 1 Page 1 of 5
Philadelphia University Faculty of Information Technology Department of Computer Science …

Treadmarks: Shared memory computing on networks of workstations

C Amza, AL Cox, S Dwarkadas, P Keleher, H Lu… - Computer, 1996 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Shared memory facilitates the transition from sequential to parallel processing. Since most
data structures can be retained, simply adding synchronization achieves correct, efficient …

[PDF][PDF] Group communication in the Amoeba distributed operating system

MF Kaashoek, AS Tanenbaum - Proc. 11th Int'l Conf. on Distr. Comp …, 1991 - research.vu.nl
Unlike many other operating systems, Amoeba is a distributed operating system that
provides group communication (ie, one-to-many communication). We will discuss design …

Supporting fault-tolerant parallel programming in Linda

DE Bakken, RD Schlichting - IEEE transactions on parallel and …, 1995 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Linda is a language for programming parallel applications whose most notable feature is a
distributed shared memory called tuple space. While suitable for a wide variety of programs …

System for automatically generating efficient application-customized client/server operating environment for heterogeneous network computers and operating systems

Y Shi - US Patent 5,381,534, 1995 - Google Patents
A high level virtual computer in a heterogeneous hard ware and software environment. A
user specifies the hardware and software configuration of a virtual corn puter employing …

[PDF][PDF] Efficient message passing interface (MPI) for parallel computing on clusters of workstations

J Bruck, D Dolev, CT Ho, MC Roşu… - Proceedings of the seventh …, 1995 - dl.acm.org
Parallel computing onclusters ofworkstations and personal computers has very high
potential, since it leverages exist-ing hardware and software. Parallel programming …

An evaluation of the Amoeba group communication system

MF Kaashoek, AS Tanenbaum - Proceedings of 16th …, 1996 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The Amoeba group communication system has two unique aspects:(1) it uses a sequencer-
based protocol with negative acknowledgements for achieving a total order on all group …

VM-based shared memory on low-latency, remote-memory-access networks

L Kontothanassis, G Hunt, R Stets… - ACM SIGARCH …, 1997 - dl.acm.org
Recent technological advances have produced network interfaces that provide users with
very low-latency access to the memory of remote machines. We examine the impact of such …

Object distribution in Orca using compile-time and run-time techniques

HE Bal, MF Kaashoek - Proceedings of the eighth annual conference on …, 1993 - dl.acm.org
Orca is a language for parallel programming on distributed systems. Communication in Orca
is based on shared data-objects, which is a form of distributed shared memory. The …

FLIP: An internetwork protocol for supporting distributed systems

MF Kaashoek, R van Renesse… - ACM Transactions on …, 1993 - dl.acm.org
Most modern network protocols give adequate support for traditional applications such as
file transfer and remote login. Distributed applications, however, have different requirements …