The stigma of perceived irrelevance: An affordance-management theory of interpersonal invisibility.

R Neel, B Lassetter - Psychological Review, 2019 -
A growing body of research shows that older adults, Black women, and other groups often
encounter stigmatization that manifests not as negative prejudice, but as indifference and …

Geographies of race and ethnicity 1: White supremacy vs white privilege in environmental racism research

L Pulido - Progress in human geography, 2015 -
In this report I compare two forms of racism: white privilege and white supremacy. I examine
how they are distinct and can be seen in the environmental racism arena. I argue that within …

[КНИГА][B] Engineering psychology and human performance

CD Wickens, WS Helton, JG Hollands, S Banbury - 2021 -
Forming connections between human performance and design, this new edition of
Engineering Psychology and Human Performance examines human–machine interaction …

[КНИГА][B] Obecná psychologie: dílčí aspekty lidské psychiky a jejich orgánový základ

M Vágnerová - 2017 -
Publikace se zabývá základními aspekty lidské psychiky. Vychází z vymezení obecné
psychologie a jejího postavení v systému psychologických věd, uvádí i základní metody …

[КНИГА][B] Deumanizzazione: Come si legittima la violenza

C Volpato - 2014 -
«Nella storia della nostra specie deumanizzare serve a pensare l'altro essere umano
incompleto, animale, oggetto. Serve a compiere su di lui azioni inaccettabili in un contesto …

Deconstructing bias in social preferences reveals groupy and not-groupy behavior

R Kranton, M Pease, S Sanders, S Huettel - Proceedings of the National …, 2020 -
Group divisions are a continual feature of human history, with biases toward people's own
groups shown in both experimental and natural settings. Using a within-subject design, this …

Decolonizing policing: Indigenous patrols, counter-policing and safety

A Porter - Theoretical Criminology, 2016 -
This article examines the everyday operation and politics of Indigenous patrols, community-
run initiatives with formal agendas that focus on kee** young people safe and preventing …

What Did SFFA Ban? Acting on the Basis of Race and Treating People as Equals

I Kohler-Hausmann - Ariz. L. Rev., 2024 - HeinOnline
The Supreme Court has declared that the" race-conscious admissions" practiced by Harvard
and the University of North Carolina are unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment …

Chaotic and fast audiovisuals increase attentional scope but decrease conscious processing

C Andreu-Sánchez, MÁ Martín-Pascual, A Gruart… - Neuroscience, 2018 - Elsevier
Audiovisual cuts involve spatial, temporal, and action narrative leaps. They can even
change the meaning of the narrative through film editing. Many cuts are not consciously …

Toward an analytical framework for the study of race and police violence

MA Rivera, JD Ward - Public administration review, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Treatments of race and police violence in the fields of public administration and policy have
drawn eclectically from many disciplinary sources in historical, political, and managerial …