Transparent heat regulating (THR) materials and coatings for energy saving window applications: Impact of materials design, micro-structural, and interface quality on …
This review highlights the development of energy saving transparent heat regulating (THR)
materials and coating for energy saving window applications. Current state-of-the-art …
materials and coating for energy saving window applications. Current state-of-the-art …
Smart mechanoluminescent phosphors: A review of zinc sulfide‐based materials for advanced mechano‐optical applications
Z Huang, X Li, T Liang, B Ren, X Zhang… - Responsive …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The quest for mechanoluminescence (ML) in zinc sulfide (ZnS) spans more than a century,
initially sparked by observations of natural minerals. There has been a resurgence in …
initially sparked by observations of natural minerals. There has been a resurgence in …
A new ZnO-ZnS-CdS heterostructure on Ni substrate: A binder-free electrode for advanced asymmetric supercapacitors with improved performance
ZnO is an appealing electrode material for supercapacitors due to its high capacitance, low
cost, environmental friendliness, and good electrochemical reversibility. In this paper, we …
cost, environmental friendliness, and good electrochemical reversibility. In this paper, we …
Enhancement of the optical properties of PVP using Zn1-xSnxS for UV-region optical applications
A Badawi - Applied Physics A, 2021 - Springer
The optical properties of polyvinylpyrrolidine (PVP) polymer have been enhanced using
ternary Zn 1-x Sn x S as a filler for UV-region optical applications. Solution casting technique …
ternary Zn 1-x Sn x S as a filler for UV-region optical applications. Solution casting technique …
Investigating the influence of CuS ratio on sun light–Driven photocatalytic performance of ZnS: CuS nanocomposites and reusability of PVA/ZnS: CuS polymer …
In this study, ZnS and CuS nanocomposites (NCs) were synthesized using a simple and cost-
effective co-precipitation method. These NCs were evaluated for their photocatalytic activity …
effective co-precipitation method. These NCs were evaluated for their photocatalytic activity …
[HTML][HTML] Fabrication of Schiff base coordinated ZnS nanoparticles for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of chlorpyrifos pesticide and detection of heavy metal ions
We report the simple synthesis of zinc sulfide nanoparticles (ZnS NPs) by a co-precipitation
method using Schiff base,(2-[(4-methoxy-phenylimino)-methyl]-4-nitrophenol) as a cap** …
method using Schiff base,(2-[(4-methoxy-phenylimino)-methyl]-4-nitrophenol) as a cap** …
Synthesis and characterization of ZrO2 and carbon-doped ZrO2 nanoparticles for photocatalytic application
Un-doped and carbon-doped zirconium dioxide (ZrO 2) nanoparticles were synthesized
through the simple sol–gel method. The synthesized doped and un-doped nanoparticles …
through the simple sol–gel method. The synthesized doped and un-doped nanoparticles …
Comparative studies of CdS, CdS: Al, CdS: Na and CdS:(Al–Na) thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis
In the present study, the spray pyrolysis technique was used to prepare pure CdS, 4 at.% Al-
doped CdS, 4 at.% Na-doped CdS and (4 at.% Al, 4 at.% Na)-co-doped CdS thin films. It was …
doped CdS, 4 at.% Na-doped CdS and (4 at.% Al, 4 at.% Na)-co-doped CdS thin films. It was …
Photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B by using a nanocomposite of cuprous oxide, three-dimensional reduced graphene oxide, and nanochitosan prepared via …
Z Zhang, S Zhai, M Wang, H Ji, L He, C Ye… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2016 - Elsevier
We reported a novel nanocomposite of cuprous oxide nanospheres, three-dimensional
reduced graphene oxide, and nano-chitosan (Cu 2 O@ 3D-rGO@ NCS) with diverse …
reduced graphene oxide, and nano-chitosan (Cu 2 O@ 3D-rGO@ NCS) with diverse …
In-doped ZnS nanoparticles: structural, morphological, optical and antibacterial properties
The present work deals with the effect of indium do** (0≤ x≤ 0.10) on the structural,
morphological, compositional and optical properties of the chemically synthesized Zn 1− x In …
morphological, compositional and optical properties of the chemically synthesized Zn 1− x In …