[หนังสือ][B] New digital musical instruments: control and interaction beyond the keyboard

ER Miranda, MM Wanderley - 2006 - books.google.com
In New Digital Musical Instruments Eduardo Miranda and Marcelo Wanderley focus on
musical instruments that use the computer as the main sound-generating device. Such …

Gestural control of sound synthesis

MM Wanderley, P Depalle - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper provides a review of gestural control of sound synthesis in the context of the
design and evaluation of digital musical instruments. It discusses research in various areas …

Controlling the perceived material in an impact sound synthesizer

M Aramaki, M Besson… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we focused on the identification of the perceptual properties of impacted
materials to provide an intuitive control of an impact sound synthesizer. To investigate such …

An intuitive synthesizer of continuous-interaction sounds: Rubbing, scratching, and rolling

S Conan, E Thoret, M Aramaki, O Derrien… - Computer Music …, 2014 - direct.mit.edu
In this article, we propose a control strategy for synthesized continuous-interaction sounds.
The framework of our research is based on the action–object paradigm that describes the …

The kinetics and acoustics of fingering and note transitions on the flute

A Almeida, R Chow, J Smith, J Wolfe - the Journal of the Acoustical …, 2009 - pubs.aip.org
Motion of the keys was measured in a transverse flute while beginner, amateur, and
professional flutists played a range of exercises. The time taken for a key to open or close …

A multimodal system for gesture recognition in interactive music performance

D Overholt, J Thompson, L Putnam, B Bell… - Computer Music …, 2009 - JSTOR
A Multimodal System for Gesture Recognition in Interactive Music Performance Page 1 A
Multimodal System for Gesture Recognition in Interactive Music Performance Dan OverhoK …

[PDF][PDF] SABRe: The augmented bass clarinet

S Schiesser, JC Schacher - … of the international conference on new …, 2012 - researchgate.net
An augmented bass clarinet is developed in order to extend the performance and
composition potential of the instrument. Four groups of sensors are added: key positions …

Musical vibrotactile feedback

DM Birnbaum - 2007 - escholarship.mcgill.ca
This thesis discusses the prospect of integrating vibrotactile feedback into digital musical
instruments. A holistic approach is taken, considering the role of new instruments in …

[PDF][PDF] The birl: An electronic wind instrument based on an artificial neural network parameter map** structure

J Snyder, D Ryan - … of the International Conference on New …, 2014 - researchgate.net
The Birl is an electronic wind instrument developed by the authors, which uses artificial
neural nets for the map** of fingering systems and embouchure position. The design …

[PDF][PDF] The Extended Flautist: techniques, technologies and performer perceptions in music for flute and electronics

MJ Penny - 2009 - jeanpenny.com
As musical and performance practices have evolved over the last half-century, the realm of
the solo flautist has expanded to encompass an extensive array of emerging techniques and …