Applications of single photons in quantum metrology, biology and the foundations of quantum physics
With the development of photonic quantum technologies, single photons have become key
for various applications including quantum communication and quantum computing …
for various applications including quantum communication and quantum computing …
Macroscopic quantum states: Measures, fragility, and implementations
Large-scale quantum effects have always played an important role in the foundations of
quantum theory. With recent experimental progress and the aspiration for quantum …
quantum theory. With recent experimental progress and the aspiration for quantum …
Nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation with cat-state qubits via invariant-based reverse engineering
We propose a protocol to realize nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation of small-
amplitude Schrödinger cat qubits via invariant-based reverse engineering. We consider a …
amplitude Schrödinger cat qubits via invariant-based reverse engineering. We consider a …
Quantum key distribution and 1 Gbps data encryption over a single fibre
We perform quantum key distribution (QKD) over a single fibre in the presence of four
classical channels in a C-band dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) …
classical channels in a C-band dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) …
Test of local realism into the past without detection and locality loopholes
Inspired by the recent remarkable progress in the experimental test of local realism, we
report here such a test that achieves an efficiency greater than (78%) 2 for entangled photon …
report here such a test that achieves an efficiency greater than (78%) 2 for entangled photon …
Observation of micro–macro entanglement of light
Schrödinger's famous thought experiment involves a (macroscopic) cat whose quantum
state becomes entangled with that of a (microscopic) decaying nucleus. The creation of such …
state becomes entangled with that of a (microscopic) decaying nucleus. The creation of such …
Displacement of entanglement back and forth between the micro and macro domains
Quantum theory is often presented as the theory describing the microscopic world, and
admittedly, it has done this extremely well for decades. Nonetheless, the question of whether …
admittedly, it has done this extremely well for decades. Nonetheless, the question of whether …
[Књига][B] Quantum objects
G Jaeger - 2014 - Springer
The conceptual elements of quantum theory that now underlie our picture of the physical
world include objective chance, quantum interference, and the objective indefiniteness of …
world include objective chance, quantum interference, and the objective indefiniteness of …
Bell test over extremely high-loss channels: towards distributing entangled photon pairs between earth and the moon
Quantum entanglement was termed “spooky action at a distance” in the well-known paper
by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen. Entanglement is expected to be distributed over longer …
by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen. Entanglement is expected to be distributed over longer …
Psychophysical modulation of fringe visibility in a distant double-slit optical system
To investigate von Neumann's proposal that an “extra-physical process” is involved in the
measurement of a quantum system, an online experiment was conducted using a double-slit …
measurement of a quantum system, an online experiment was conducted using a double-slit …