[PDF][PDF] What's cooking in the NFDI4Culture kitchen? A KG-based research data integration workflow
The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) aims to provide a standardized and
sustainable research data infrastructure across diverse domains, facilitating efficient …
sustainable research data infrastructure across diverse domains, facilitating efficient …
Ontologies for models and algorithms in applied mathematics and related disciplines
In applied mathematics and related disciplines, the modeling-simulation-optimization
workflow is a prominent scheme, with mathematical models and numerical algorithms …
workflow is a prominent scheme, with mathematical models and numerical algorithms …
Towards a Knowledge Graph for Models and Algorithms in Applied Mathematics
Mathematical models and algorithms are an essential part of mathematical research data, as
they are epistemically grounding numerical data. In order to represent models and …
they are epistemically grounding numerical data. In order to represent models and …
NFDI4DSO: Towards a BFO Compliant Ontology for Data Science
The NFDI4DataScience (NFDI4DS) project aims to enhance the accessibility and
interoperability of research data within Data Science (DS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) by …
interoperability of research data within Data Science (DS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) by …
NFDIcore 2.0: A BFO-Compliant Ontology for Multi-Domain Research Infrastructures
This paper presents NFDIcore 2.0, an ontology compliant with the Basic Formal Ontology
(BFO) designed to represent the diverse research communities of the National Research …
(BFO) designed to represent the diverse research communities of the National Research …
Gotta Catch'em All: From Data Silos to a Knowledge Graph
Diverse research questions, perspectives, standards and formats across culture subject
areas have led to the emergence of numerous data silos. NFDI4Culture seeks to overcome …
areas have led to the emergence of numerous data silos. NFDI4Culture seeks to overcome …
[PDF][PDF] Forschungsdatenmanagement und Forschungssynthesen
NG Hasche, A Wilmers, C Keller, S Bayer, J Röschlein - researchgate.net
Bisher wurden im Förderschwerpunkt „Digitalisierung im Bildungsbereich “des
Rahmenprogramms empirische Bildungsforschung 48 Forschungsprojekte gefördert, die …
Rahmenprogramms empirische Bildungsforschung 48 Forschungsprojekte gefördert, die …
[PDF][PDF] A Knowledge Graph-Based Data Integration Workflow for NFDI4Culture and Beyond
Despite covering specific scientific disciplines, all NFDI consortia share similar concepts
such as organizations, people, institutions, areas of expertise, data repositories, projects …
such as organizations, people, institutions, areas of expertise, data repositories, projects …