[PDF][PDF] The dynamics of leader technical competence, subordinate learning, and innovative work behaviors in high-tech, knowledge-based industry

SI Shah, A Shahjehan, B Afsar… - Economic research …, 2020‏ - hrcak.srce.hr
This study tests a conceptual model for understanding the relationship between
subordinates''learning work behaviour'and 'innovative work behaviour', with the moderating …

[HTML][HTML] Tensions in value spaces: The organizational buying center and advanced services

J Zolkiewski, VM Story, J Burton, C Raddats… - Industrial Marketing …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Advanced services necessitate redistribution of activities and new value co-creation
processes and configurations, which are negotiated through interactions between …

Value co-creation and performance within Brazilian innovation environments

GPP dos Santos, S Schmidt, MA Gonçalves… - Journal of Research in …, 2023‏ - emerald.com
Purpose This study aims to analyse value co-creation in innovative firms within innovation
environments (IEs) in the south region of Brazil from a processual and dynamic perspective …

Digital servitization: strategies for handling customization and customer interaction

KM Hydle, M Hellström, TH Aas, KJ Breunig - The Palgrave Handbook of …, 2021‏ - Springer
This conceptual chapter utilizes extant servitization and digitalization theorization and
discusses the impact of digital servitization on customization/standardization and customer …

[PDF][PDF] Servitization in small and medium-sized enterprises: conceptual and empirical approaches to overcome strategic and operational barriers.

D Gamba - 2023‏ - tesidottorato.depositolegale.it
The fourth industrial revolution that dominates manufacturers' innovation opportunities
nowadays includes the servitization concept (Thoben et al., 2017), defined in the late '80s by …


OC Ojiaku, A Peter - International Journal of Business …, 2023‏ - journals.pu.edu.pk
The tangible and imitable nature of products has led to the commoditization of most
manufactured goods. Manufacturing companies have recognized servitization as a strategic …

What is a Product Service System?

A Annarelli, C Battistella, F Nonino, A Annarelli… - The Road to …, 2019‏ - Springer
What is a Product Service System? | SpringerLink Skip to main content Advertisement Springer
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[PDF][PDF] Digital service co-creation processes in textile ecosystems

O Sironi, J Rösler, T Friedli - Servitization: A Pathway …, 2021‏ - publications.aston.ac.uk
The processes of digitalization and servitization increasingly offer manufacturers new
potential for innovation (Baines, 2015; Frank et al., 2019; Paiola & Gebauer, 2020; Roos …

How can manufacturing firms better make use of role dynamics in co-created servitized solutions?

A Martin - 2019‏ - essay.utwente.nl
Manufacturing firms increasingly follow the prevalent trend of servitization as they move
away from delivering stand-alone products towards offering customized solutions. Thereby …

Customer participation in servitization: defining the role of customers in the co-development of servitized offerings

S Nacke - 2019‏ - essay.utwente.nl
Since servitization is largely driven by a company's customers, the customer is seen as a
necessary resource in solution co-development processes. However, available literature …