[КНИГА][B] Alternative food networks: Knowledge, practice, and politics

D Goodman, EM DuPuis, MK Goodman - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Farmers' markets, veggie boxes, local foods, organic products and Fair Trade goods–how
have these once novel," alternative" foods, and the people and networks supporting them …

Commercially important medicinal plants of South Africa: a review

RA Street, G Prinsloo - Journal of chemistry, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
There is a growing interest in natural plant‐based remedies as a source for commercial
products. Around 80% of the South African population use traditional medicines to meet their …

[PDF][PDF] Moving alternative food networks beyond the niche

D Maye - The International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture …, 2013 - ijsaf.org
Alternative food networks (AFNs) have become an increasingly dominant feature of agri-
food scholarship over the last 10–15 years. Numerous research papers, as well as special …

[HTML][HTML] Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) beyond the farm gate: From herbal tea to potential phytopharmaceutical

E Joubert, D de Beer - South African Journal of Botany, 2011 - Elsevier
Aspalathus linearis (Burm. f.) Dahlg.(Fabaceae, Tribe Crotalarieae), an endemic South
African fynbos species, is cultivated to produce the well-known herbal tea, rooibos. It is …

Contemporary and traditional localism: a conceptualisation of rural local food

J McEntee - Local Environment, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The increasingly popular local food movement in the US has experienced wide-scale buy-in
on behalf of the general public as well as in academic arenas. However, there have been …

Fairness and ethicality in their place: the regional dynamics of fair trade and ethical sourcing agendas in the plantation districts of South India

J Neilsno, B Pritchard - Environment and Planning A, 2010 - journals.sagepub.com
In this paper we argue for a 'horizontal'approach to the analysis of fair and ethical trade, one
which asks questions about the wider eddies they create within regional production …

Alternative food in the global south: Reflections on a direct marketing initiative in Kenya

S Freidberg, L Goldstein - Journal of rural studies, 2011 - Elsevier
Amidst booming scholarship on alternative food networks (AFNs) in the global North,
research on AFN in the global South remains scarce. Partly this is because explicitly …

Fair trade rooibos tea: Connecting South African producers and American consumer markets

LT Raynolds, SU Ngcwangu - Geoforum, 2010 - Elsevier
This article analyzes the recent growth and configuration of Fair Trade networks connecting
South African Rooibos tea producers with American consumer markets. As we demonstrate …

'Alternative foods' and community-based development: Rooibos tea production in South Africa's West Coast Mountains

E Nel, T Binns, D Bek - Applied Geography, 2007 - Elsevier
Rooibos tee (red bush tea)(Aspalathus linearis, Fabaceae), which is indigenous only to the
Cedarberg and neighbouring mountains of South Africa, has become popular internationally …

Placing Ethical Trade in Context: wieta and the South African wine industry

C McEwan, D Bek - Third World Quarterly, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
How ethical trade develops in specific ways in particular national-institutional and historical
contexts remains largely unexamined. This paper analyses approaches to ethical trade in …