On the coupling between martensitic transformation and plasticity in NiTi: experiments and continuum based modelling
Recent macroscopic experimental and theoretical evidence on the stress-strain-temperature
behavior of NiTi beyond the strain recoverability limits (large strain, high stress, high …
behavior of NiTi beyond the strain recoverability limits (large strain, high stress, high …
A review of modeling techniques for advanced effects in shape memory alloy behavior
The paper reviews and discusses various techniques used in the literature for modeling
complex behaviors observed in shape memory alloys (SMAs) that go beyond the core …
complex behaviors observed in shape memory alloys (SMAs) that go beyond the core …
Effect of pore on the deformation behaviors of NiTi shape memory alloys: A crystal-plasticity-based phase field modeling
Porous NiTi shape memory alloys (SMA) have been developed into important biomedical
and dam** materials. However, the effect of pore on the martensitic microstructure …
and dam** materials. However, the effect of pore on the martensitic microstructure …
Superelasticity degradation of NiTi shape memory alloy in wide ranges of temperature and loading level: Experimental observation and micromechanical constitutive …
In this work, cyclic tension-unloading tests with different peak strains (10%-18%) in the
temperature range from 313 K to 393 K are performed to investigate the effects of …
temperature range from 313 K to 393 K are performed to investigate the effects of …
Effect of Ni4Ti3 precipitates on the functional properties of NiTi shape memory alloys: A phase field study
Ni 4 Ti 3 precipitates, which generally exist in aged Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys
(SMAs), can have a profound effect on material properties. However, the fundamental …
(SMAs), can have a profound effect on material properties. However, the fundamental …
Phase field study on the microscopic mechanism of grain size dependent cyclic degradation of super-elasticity and shape memory effect in nano-polycrystalline NiTi …
A non-isothermal and crystal plasticity based phase field model was established by
incorporating various inelastic deformation mechanisms, ie, martensite transformation …
incorporating various inelastic deformation mechanisms, ie, martensite transformation …
From mechanical behavior and elastocaloric effect to microscopic mechanisms of gradient-structured NiTi alloy: A phase-field study
The introduction of gradient structure has been recently reported as a practical way to tailor
the mechanical behavior of NiTi alloy while improving its elastocaloric effect simultaneously …
the mechanical behavior of NiTi alloy while improving its elastocaloric effect simultaneously …
Cyclic hardening/softening behavior of 316L stainless steel at elevated temperature including strain-rate and strain-range dependence: Experimental and damage …
In this study, the cyclic mechanical characters of 316L stainless steel at elevated
temperature are extensively investigated by the experimental and cyclic constitutive models …
temperature are extensively investigated by the experimental and cyclic constitutive models …
Bending fatigue life enhancement of NiTi alloy by pre-strain warm surface mechanical attrition treatment
Many structures like medical stents made of superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA)
are subjected to cyclic bending loads and show a limited fatigue life due to crack nucleation …
are subjected to cyclic bending loads and show a limited fatigue life due to crack nucleation …
Concentration of transformation-induced plasticity in pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory alloys: Insight from austenite–martensite interface instability
Transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) in pseudoelastic polycrystalline NiTi shape memory
alloys (SMAs) is investigated through tensile tests combined with in-situ infrared and digital …
alloys (SMAs) is investigated through tensile tests combined with in-situ infrared and digital …