[HTML][HTML] Geometric data in urban building energy modeling: Current practices and the case for automation

SN Kandelan, NAC Mohammed, KS Grewal… - Journal of Building …, 2024 - Elsevier
Urban building energy modeling (UBEM) is crucial for addressing energy consumption
challenges in urban environments. This study investigates the significant role of geometric …

Systematic review of aggregation functions applied to image edge detection

M Amorim, G Dimuro, E Borges, BL Dalmazo… - Axioms, 2023 - mdpi.com
Edge detection is a crucial process in numerous stages of computer vision. This field of
study has recently gained momentum due to its importance in various applications. The …

[HTML][HTML] End-to-end computer vision framework: An open-source platform for research and education

C Orhei, S Vert, M Mocofan, R Vasiu - Sensors, 2021 - mdpi.com
Computer Vision is a cross-research field with the main purpose of understanding the
surrounding environment as closely as possible to human perception. The image …

Dilated filters for edge-detection algorithms

C Orhei, V Bogdan, C Bonchis, R Vasiu - Applied Sciences, 2021 - mdpi.com
Edges are a basic and fundamental feature in image processing that is used directly or
indirectly in huge number of applications. Inspired by the expansion of image resolution and …

User evaluation of a multi-platform digital storytelling concept for cultural heritage

S Vert, D Andone, A Ternauciuc, V Mihaescu, O Rotaru… - Mathematics, 2021 - mdpi.com
Digital storytelling platforms have proven to be a great way of bringing cultural heritage
closer to people. What lacks is a deeper understanding of the user experience of such …

Algorithms for contour detection in agricultural images

N Mamatov, M Jalelova, B Samijonov… - E3S Web of …, 2024 - e3s-conferences.org
Contour detection requires a more extensive use of them in agriculture. However,
processing by experts on the basis of such images, including subjective visual observation …

Have we solved edge detection? A review of state-of-the-art datasets and DNN based Techniques

M Mubashar, N Khan, AR Sajid, MH Javed… - IEEE …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recent Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) based edge detection methods claim to beat human
performance on small scale datasets like BSDS500. But is the problem of edge detection …

TMBuD: A dataset for urban scene building detection

C Orhei, S Vert, M Mocofan, R Vasiu - International Conference on …, 2021 - Springer
Building recognition and 3D reconstruction of human made structures in urban scenarios
has become an interesting and actual topic in the image processing domain. For this …

Real-time line matching based speed bump detection algorithm

CL Sirbu, C Tomoiu… - 2021 IEEE 27th …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Active safety is one of the main technologies in the modern automotive industry. Active
safety is achieved with advanced sensors that employ Computer Vision algorithms. To assist …

Urban landmark detection using computer vision

CC Orhei, RA Vasiu - 2022 - dspace.upt.ro
Teza de față abordează tematica detecției și recunoașterii clădirilor reper într-un
scenariu urban, folosind tehnici din domeniul vederii artificiale. Întrucât clădirile și …