Opt-out, abstain, unplug. A systematic review of the voluntary digital disconnection literature
Temporary and permanent disconnection from digital devices, platforms, or tools has gained
traction from users and, subsequently, in academic discourse. A rapidly growing body of …
traction from users and, subsequently, in academic discourse. A rapidly growing body of …
Achieving digital wellbeing through digital self-control tools: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Public media and researchers in different areas have recently focused on perhaps
unexpected problems that derive from an excessive and frequent use of technology, giving …
unexpected problems that derive from an excessive and frequent use of technology, giving …
[HTML][HTML] Combatting digital addiction: Current approaches and future directions
In recent years, the notion of digital addiction has become popular. Calls for solutions to
combat it, especially in adolescents, are on the rise. Whilst there remains debate on the …
combat it, especially in adolescents, are on the rise. Whilst there remains debate on the …
Time2stop: Adaptive and explainable human-ai loop for smartphone overuse intervention
Despite a rich history of investigating smartphone overuse intervention techniques, AI-based
just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) methods for overuse reduction are lacking. We …
just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) methods for overuse reduction are lacking. We …
What makes smartphone use meaningful or meaningless?
Prior research indicates that many people wish to limit aspects of their smartphone use. Why
is it that certain smartphone use feels so meaningless? We examined this question by using …
is it that certain smartphone use feels so meaningless? We examined this question by using …
Self-control in cyberspace: Applying dual systems theory to a review of digital self-control tools
Many people struggle to control their use of digital devices. However, our understanding of
the design mechanisms that support user self-control remains limited. In this paper, we make …
the design mechanisms that support user self-control remains limited. In this paper, we make …
Reflect, not regret: Understanding regretful smartphone use with app feature-level analysis
Digital intervention tools against problematic smartphone usage help users control their
consumption on smartphones, for example, by setting a time limit on an app. However …
consumption on smartphones, for example, by setting a time limit on an app. However …
The loop and reasons to break it: Investigating infinite scrolling behaviour in social media applications and reasons to stop
Today's social media (SM) platforms are toolkits consisting of features with different use
cases, some strongly related to habitual and regretful use. Especially Infinite Scrolling (IS) …
cases, some strongly related to habitual and regretful use. Especially Infinite Scrolling (IS) …
Good vibrations: can a digital nudge reduce digital overload?
Digital overuse on mobile devices is a growing problem in everyday life. This paper
describes a generalizable mobile intervention that combines nudge theory and negative …
describes a generalizable mobile intervention that combines nudge theory and negative …
'I Just Want to Hack Myself to Not Get Distracted' Evaluating Design Interventions for Self-Control on Facebook
Beyond being the world's largest social network, Facebook is for many also one of its
greatest sources of digital distraction. For students, problematic use has been associated …
greatest sources of digital distraction. For students, problematic use has been associated …