Riparian buffers as a critical landscape feature: Insights for riverscape conservation and policy renovations

MP Graziano, AK Deguire, TD Surasinghe - Diversity, 2022 -
Riparian zones are critical for functional integrity of riverscapes and conservation of
riverscape biodiversity. The synergism of intermediate flood-induced disturbances, moist …

Forest and freshwater ecosystem responses to climate change and variability at US LTER sites

JL Campbell, CT Driscoll, JA Jones, ER Boose… - …, 2022 -
Forest and freshwater ecosystems are tightly linked and together provide important
ecosystem services, but climate change is affecting their species composition, structure, and …

Riparian forests can mitigate warming and ecological degradation of agricultural headwater streams

J Turunen, V Elbrecht, D Steinke… - Freshwater Biology, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Riparian forests are commonly advocated as a key management option to mitigate the
effects of agriculture on headwater stream biodiversity and ecosystem functions. However …

Cutting edge: A comparison of contemporary practices of riparian buffer retention around small streams in Canada, Finland, and Sweden

L Kuglerová, J Jyväsjärvi, C Ruffing… - Water Resources …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Forested riparian buffers are recommended to mitigate negative effects of forest harvesting
on recipient freshwater ecosystems. Most of the current best practices of riparian buffer …

Shifting conceptions of complexity in forest management and silviculture

RT Fahey, BC Alveshere, JI Burton, AW D'Amato… - Forest Ecology and …, 2018 - Elsevier
In the past several decades, a trend in forestry and silviculture has been toward promoting
complexity in forest ecosystems, but how complexity is conceived and described has shifted …

[KNJIGA][B] Comparative plant succession among terrestrial biomes of the world

K Prach, LR Walker - 2020 -
Despite a century of study by ecologists, recovery following disturbances (succession) is not
fully understood. This book provides the first global synthesis that compares plant …

Protecting our streams by defining measurable targets for riparian management in a forestry context

L Kuglerová, T Muotka, D Chellaiah… - Journal of Applied …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Generally, governments and industry have implemented some degree of protection to
reduce the impacts of forestry on aquatic ecosystems. Here, we consider the widespread …

Riparian forests mitigate harmful ecological effects of agricultural diffuse pollution in medium-sized streams

J Turunen, J Markkula, M Rajakallio… - Science of the Total …, 2019 - Elsevier
Agricultural pollution persists as a significant environmental problem for stream ecosystems.
Uncultivated buffer zones or reforestation of riparian zones are advocated as a key …

Periphytic algae decouple fungal activity from leaf litter decomposition via negative priming

HM Halvorson, JR Barry, MB Lodato… - Functional …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Well‐documented in terrestrial settings, priming effects describe stimulated heterotrophic
microbial activity and decomposition of recalcitrant carbon by additions of labile carbon. In …

The importance of riparian forest cover to the ecological status of agricultural streams in a nationwide assessment

M Tolkkinen, S Vaarala, J Aroviita - Water Resources Management, 2021 - Springer
Forested riparian corridors are a key management solution for halting the global trend of
declining ecological status of freshwater ecosystems. There is an increasing body of …