Overparenting and emerging adult development: A systematic review
Researchers have investigated the phenomenon of overparenting of emerging adult
children and its association with emerging adult development. With the increasing body of …
children and its association with emerging adult development. With the increasing body of …
The impact of helicopter parenting on emerging adults in higher education: A sco** review of psychological adjustment in university students
This sco** review explored the recent literature on the relationship between helicopter
parenting and psychological adjustment among emerging adults in a university setting. A …
parenting and psychological adjustment among emerging adults in a university setting. A …
When too much help is of no help: Mothers' and fathers' perceived overprotective behavior and (mal) adaptive functioning in adolescents
Although parental overprotection is theorized to have lasting negative effects throughout a
child's life, there is limited empirical evidence available on its long-term significance on …
child's life, there is limited empirical evidence available on its long-term significance on …
Restorative parental discipline and types of defending bystander intervention in cyberbullying: the mediate role of justice sensitivity
Parental socialization strategies are critical in explaining adolescents' online behavior. This
study examined the relationships between parental restorative discipline, observed justice …
study examined the relationships between parental restorative discipline, observed justice …
Better, for worse, or both? Testing environmental sensitivity models with parenting at the level of individual families
According to environmental sensitivity models, children vary in responsivity to parenting.
However, different models propose different patterns, with responsivity to primarily:(1) …
However, different models propose different patterns, with responsivity to primarily:(1) …
Detection of careless responses in online surveys using answering behavior on smartphone
Some respondents make careless responses due to the “satisficing,” which is an attempt to
complete a questionnaire as quickly and easily as possible. To obtain results that reflect a …
complete a questionnaire as quickly and easily as possible. To obtain results that reflect a …
Overparenting and offspring depression, anxiety, and internalizing symptoms: A meta-analysis
Q Zhang, W Ji - Development and Psychopathology, 2024 - cambridge.org
Overparenting has been considered to contribute to offspring internalizing mental disorders
from theoretical perspectives, which some empirical evidence has supported. However …
from theoretical perspectives, which some empirical evidence has supported. However …
Associations between profiles of helicopter parenting and decisional procrastination among Chinese adolescents
W Wu, Y Zhang, Y Wang - Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2023 - Springer
Adolescence is a critical period for the development of decision-making skills. Helicopter
parenting may lead to adolescents' decisional procrastination because it hinders the …
parenting may lead to adolescents' decisional procrastination because it hinders the …
A multidimensional construct of helicopter parenting and college students' game and social media addictive behaviors: a cross-cultural study in South Korea and …
Introduction We explored latent classes of helicopter parenting among Korean and Chinese
college students. In addition, we examined whether these latent classes of helicopter …
college students. In addition, we examined whether these latent classes of helicopter …
Is helicopter parenting related to college students' mental health? A typological and cross‐cultural approach
Objective The goal of this study is to uncover latent classes of maternal and paternal
helicopter parenting among American and Chinese college students, and to examine …
helicopter parenting among American and Chinese college students, and to examine …