[ספר][B] Cognitive radio communication and networking: Principles and practice
The author presents a unified treatment of this highly interdisciplinary topic to help define the
notion of cognitive radio. The book begins with addressing issues such as the fundamental …
notion of cognitive radio. The book begins with addressing issues such as the fundamental …
Data-driven co-channel signal interference elimination algorithm for terrestrial-satellite communications and broadcasting
As satellite and communication technology advances, terrestrial-satellite communications
and broadcasting (TSCB) provide uninterrupted services, meeting the demand for seamless …
and broadcasting (TSCB) provide uninterrupted services, meeting the demand for seamless …
Transform-domain-based cognitive radio networks for harsh interference environments
X Liu, Z Li, B Wang, C Wu - IEEE Network, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In harsh interference environments, there are all kinds of electromagnetic interference to
disturb the communication links. In this article, by integrating transform domain …
disturb the communication links. In this article, by integrating transform domain …
Hardware impairment detection and prewhitening on MIMO precoder for spectrum sharing
Multiple input multiple out (MIMO) cognitive radio offer the spatial degree of freedom that can
be used to share the spectrum with less interference via Precoding Technique. Many …
be used to share the spectrum with less interference via Precoding Technique. Many …
Joint power allocation and routing in outage constrained cognitive radio ad hoc networks
We investigate the problems of route lifetime maximization and interference to primary user
minimization jointly in outage constrained stationary cognitive radio ad hoc networks. It may …
minimization jointly in outage constrained stationary cognitive radio ad hoc networks. It may …
Impact of primary networks on the performance of secondary networks
In this paper, we investigate the performance of a single-input and multiple-output cognitive
radio network over Rayleigh fading. In particular, we assume that secondary transmitter (SU …
radio network over Rayleigh fading. In particular, we assume that secondary transmitter (SU …
Interference minimization based power allocation for cognitive radio networks with imperfect spectrum sensing
This paper investigates power allocation problems for orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM)-based cognitive radio networks operating in licensed frequency bands …
multiplexing (OFDM)-based cognitive radio networks operating in licensed frequency bands …
Reliable OFDM system design under hostile multi-tone jamming
Along with the advent of reconfigurable radios, hostile jamming is no longer limited to
military applications, but has become a serious threat for civilian wireless communications …
military applications, but has become a serious threat for civilian wireless communications …
Interference-aware resource control in multi-antenna cognitive ad hoc networks with heterogeneous delay constraints
In this work, we consider a multi-antenna cognitive ad hoc network (CAHNet) with
heterogeneous delay requirements. To fulfill the interference and delay constraints …
heterogeneous delay requirements. To fulfill the interference and delay constraints …
Interference minimization approach for joint resource allocation in cognitive OFDMA networks
In this paper, we propose a novel resource allocation (RA) scheme based on interference
minimization (IM) for cognitive radio networks (CRN). In the approach, we focus on an …
minimization (IM) for cognitive radio networks (CRN). In the approach, we focus on an …