Return to the Moon: New perspectives on lunar exploration
Lunar exploration is deemed crucial for uncovering the origins of the Earth-Moon system
and is the first step for advancing humanity's exploration of deep space. Over the past …
and is the first step for advancing humanity's exploration of deep space. Over the past …
A solar wind-derived water reservoir on the Moon hosted by impact glass beads
The past two decades of lunar exploration have seen the detection of substantial quantities
of water on the Moon's surface. It has been proposed that a hydrated layer exists at depth in …
of water on the Moon's surface. It has been proposed that a hydrated layer exists at depth in …
Composition and speciation of volcanic volatiles on the Moon
Lunar volcanic volatiles are crucial for understanding eruption dynamics on the Moon as
well as the potential formation, life span, and dissipation of a lunar secondary atmosphere …
well as the potential formation, life span, and dissipation of a lunar secondary atmosphere …
[HTML][HTML] Can laser irradiation improve the strength of weak rock mass?
Controllable rock cracking technology is crucial for the exploration and exploitation of deep
underground resources. Many existing studies have been dedicated to the laser-assisted …
underground resources. Many existing studies have been dedicated to the laser-assisted …
A melt inclusion study on volatile abundances in the lunar mantle
Earth's Moon was thought to be highly depleted in volatiles due to its formation by a giant
impact. Over the last decade, however, evidence has been found in apatites, lunar volcanic …
impact. Over the last decade, however, evidence has been found in apatites, lunar volcanic …
Outgassing and in-gassing of Na, K and Cu in lunar 74220 orange glass beads
Formed in a fire-fountain eruption, lunar 74220 orange glass beads are excellent recorders
of the volcanic plume associated with the gas-driven eruption on the Moon. The bead …
of the volcanic plume associated with the gas-driven eruption on the Moon. The bead …
Melting and Rapid Solidification of Lunar Regolith Particles Returned by Chang'E-5 Mission
Melting and solidification of lunar regolith are pivotal for comprehending the evolutionary
dynamics of lunar volcanism, geology, and impact history. Additionally, insights gained from …
dynamics of lunar volcanism, geology, and impact history. Additionally, insights gained from …
Volatiles in melt inclusions from lunar mare basalts: Bridging the gap in the H2O/Ce ratio between melt Inclusions in lunar pyroclastic sample 74220 and other mare …
The H 2 O concentration and H 2 O/Ce ratio in olivine-hosted melt inclusions are high in
lunar pyroclastic sample 74220 (H 2 O up to 1410 ppmw; H 2 O/Ce up to 77) but lower (H 2 …
lunar pyroclastic sample 74220 (H 2 O up to 1410 ppmw; H 2 O/Ce up to 77) but lower (H 2 …
Isotopic fractionation of chlorine and potassium during chloride sublimation under lunar conditions
The Moon is depleted in volatile elements and compounds, and lunar samples exhibit a
wide range of Cl isotopic compositions, which is believed to result from the volatilization of …
wide range of Cl isotopic compositions, which is believed to result from the volatilization of …
Direct evidence of volcanic outgassing of Na and K on the Moon from Apollo orange beads
We report the first discovery of a pervasive Na-K-sulfate formed from vapor condensed Na-
KS on the surface of Apollo 74,220 orange beads. The molar (Na+ K)/S values (A) of …
KS on the surface of Apollo 74,220 orange beads. The molar (Na+ K)/S values (A) of …