Exploring the use of video podcasts in education: A comprehensive review of the literature
RH Kay - Computers in human behavior, 2012 - Elsevier
The purpose of this article was to provide a comprehensive review of research on video
podcasts from 2002 to 2011 in order to guide future studies and educational practice. Fifty …
podcasts from 2002 to 2011 in order to guide future studies and educational practice. Fifty …
Pedagogical models for the facilitation of teacher professional development via video-supported collaborative learning. A review of the state of the art
The growing use of video technologies has revealed the need for pedagogical models to
support collaborative learning as part of teacher professionalization processes. We …
support collaborative learning as part of teacher professionalization processes. We …
Promoting pre-service teachers' professional vision of classroom management during practical school training: Effects of a structured online-and video-based self …
We examined pre-service teachers' professional vision of classroom management (PVCM)
before and after their first teaching practicum. Using a standardised, video-based test to …
before and after their first teaching practicum. Using a standardised, video-based test to …
Evaluating the use of problem-based video podcasts to teach mathematics in higher education
R Kay, I Kletskin - Computers & Education, 2012 - Elsevier
Problem-based video podcasts provide short, web-based, audio-visual explanations of how
to solve specific procedural problems in subject areas such as mathematics or science. A …
to solve specific procedural problems in subject areas such as mathematics or science. A …
Effects of digital video-based feedback environments on pre-service teachers' feedback competence
The present study investigates the added value of blended digital video-based feedback
environments in fostering pre-service teachers' feedback competence on teaching during a …
environments in fostering pre-service teachers' feedback competence on teaching during a …
Practising teaching using virtual classroom role plays
Practice in the role of the teacher is an essential part of teacher education, however
professional experience placements are becoming increasingly difficult to find …
professional experience placements are becoming increasingly difficult to find …
Using interactive video to develop pre-service teachers' classroom awareness
This study investigates the use of interactive video in teacher education as a way of laying
the cognitive groundwork for develo** teacher self-reflection. Two interactive video …
the cognitive groundwork for develo** teacher self-reflection. Two interactive video …
Using a video annotation tool to enhance student-teachers' reflective practices and communication competence in consultation practices through a collaborative …
MMP Shek, KC Leung, PYL To - Education and Information Technologies, 2021 - Springer
This study investigated how peer comments made using a video annotation tool (VAT)
through an online learning community improved student-teachers' level of reflective thinking …
through an online learning community improved student-teachers' level of reflective thinking …
[PDF][PDF] Develo** a framework for creating effective instructional video podcasts
RH Kay - International Journal of Emerging Technologies in …, 2014 - academia.edu
The purpose of the following study was to develop a comprehensive, theory-based
framework for creating instructional video podcasts designed to present worked examples …
framework for creating instructional video podcasts designed to present worked examples …
The effectiveness of augmented reality in physical sustainable education on learning behaviour and motivation
L Liang, Z Zhang, J Guo - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
This research explores the integration of information technology into physical education and
uses augmented reality (AR) as an auxiliary tool to explore the impact of this teaching mode …
uses augmented reality (AR) as an auxiliary tool to explore the impact of this teaching mode …