Lévy walks

V Zaburdaev, S Denisov, J Klafter - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015 - APS
Random walk is a fundamental concept with applications ranging from quantum physics to
econometrics. Remarkably, one specific model of random walks appears to be ubiquitous …

Firefly algorithm: recent advances and applications

XS Yang, X He - International journal of swarm intelligence, 2013 - inderscienceonline.com
Nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms, especially those based on swarm intelligence,
have attracted much attention in the last ten years. Firefly algorithm appeared in about five …

Random walk models in biology

EA Codling, MJ Plank… - Journal of the Royal …, 2008 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Mathematical modelling of the movement of animals, micro-organisms and cells is of great
relevance in the fields of biology, ecology and medicine. Movement models can take many …

Intermittent search strategies

O Bénichou, C Loverdo, M Moreau, R Voituriez - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2011 - APS
This review examines intermittent target search strategies, which combine phases of slow
motion, allowing the searcher to detect the target, and phases of fast motion during which …

Revisiting Lévy flight search patterns of wandering albatrosses, bumblebees and deer

AM Edwards, RA Phillips, NW Watkins, MP Freeman… - Nature, 2007 - nature.com
The study of animal foraging behaviour is of practical ecological importance, and
exemplifies the wider scientific problem of optimizing search strategies. Lévy flights are …

Putting continuous metaheuristics to work in binary search spaces

B Crawford, R Soto, G Astorga, J García, C Castro… - …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
In the real world, there are a number of optimization problems whose search space is
restricted to take binary values; however, there are many continuous metaheuristics with …

First-passage times in complex scale-invariant media

S Condamin, O Bénichou, V Tejedor, R Voituriez… - Nature, 2007 - nature.com
How long does it take a random walker to reach a given target point? This quantity, known
as a first-passage time (FPT), has led to a growing number of theoretical investigations over …

Lévy flights and superdiffusion in the context of biological encounters and random searches

GM Viswanathan, EP Raposo, MGE Da Luz - Physics of Life Reviews, 2008 - Elsevier
We review the general problem of random searches in the context of biological encounters.
We analyze deterministic and stochastic aspects of searching in general and address the …

From first-passage times of random walks in confinement to geometry-controlled kinetics

O Bénichou, R Voituriez - Physics Reports, 2014 - Elsevier
We present a general theory which allows one to accurately evaluate the mean first-passage
time (FPT) for regular random walks in bounded domains, and its extensions to related first …

How many animals really do the Lévy walk?

S Benhamou - Ecology, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Lévy walks (LW) are superdiffusive and scale‐free random walks that have recently
emerged as a new conceptual tool for modeling animal search paths. They have been …