The comprehensive assessment of team member effectiveness: Development of a behaviorally anchored rating scale for self-and peer evaluation
Instructors often incorporate self-and peer evaluations when they use teamwork in their
classes, which is common in management education. However, the process is often time …
classes, which is common in management education. However, the process is often time …
The effectiveness of cooperative learning
C Hsiung - Journal of engineering Education, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Background Empirical evidence suggests that students studying cooperatively exhibit
significantly better academic achievement. However, since most prior studies do not …
significantly better academic achievement. However, since most prior studies do not …
Peer review in team-based learning: influencing feedback literacy
Abstract Background Peer review in Team-based learning (TBL) exists for three key
reasons: to promote reflection on individual behaviours; provide opportunities to develop …
reasons: to promote reflection on individual behaviours; provide opportunities to develop …
Speech analysis of teaching assistant interventions in small group collaborative problem solving with undergraduate engineering students
This descriptive study focuses on using voice activity detection (VAD) algorithms to extract
student speech data in order to better understand the collaboration of small group work and …
student speech data in order to better understand the collaboration of small group work and …
Cooperative learning and peer evaluation: The effect of free riders on team performance and the relationship between course performance and peer evaluation
MJ Dingel, W Wei, A Huq - … of the Scholarship of Teaching and …, 2013 - scholarworks.iu.edu
Cooperative learning has gained popularity in higher educational settings. However,
assigning grades fairly to all team members in a way that rewards them for their …
assigning grades fairly to all team members in a way that rewards them for their …
A multidisciplinary engineering capstone design course: A case study for design-based approach
The presented work describes the development of an engineering capstone course with
multidisciplinary design projects and students' teams. The course is offered for senior-level …
multidisciplinary design projects and students' teams. The course is offered for senior-level …
[PDF][PDF] Fifty years and going strong: What makes Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales so perennial as an appraisal method?
Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), compared to other appraisal methods, have
the most potential to be an integral part of human resource management functions and …
the most potential to be an integral part of human resource management functions and …
Peer evaluation instrument development, administration, and assessment in a team-based learning curriculum
Objective. To design and implement an instrument capable of providing students with
valuable peer feedback on team behaviors and to provide results of the administration of the …
valuable peer feedback on team behaviors and to provide results of the administration of the …
Innovation across the curriculum: Three case studies in teaching science and engineering communication
As is true for engineering communication programs nationwide, at MIT curricular and
pedagogical reforms have been driven by changes in the kinds of problems that engineers …
pedagogical reforms have been driven by changes in the kinds of problems that engineers …
Peer performance evaluations in global virtual teams: A longitudinal analysis of surface-and deep-level attributes
Most research on peer performance evaluations (PPEs) has been conducted using co-
located teams, assuming that PPEs are static, and focusing on the effects of PPEs, while …
located teams, assuming that PPEs are static, and focusing on the effects of PPEs, while …