The key role of behaviour in animal camouflage
Animal camouflage represents one of the most important ways of preventing (or facilitating)
predation. It attracted the attention of the earliest evolutionary biologists, and today remains …
predation. It attracted the attention of the earliest evolutionary biologists, and today remains …
The current and future state of animal coloration research
Animal colour patterns are a model system for understanding evolution because they are
unusually accessible for study and experimental manipulation. This is possible because …
unusually accessible for study and experimental manipulation. This is possible because …
Camouflage in predators
Camouflage–adaptations that prevent detection and/or recognition–is a key example of
evolution by natural selection, making it a primary focus in evolutionary ecology and animal …
evolution by natural selection, making it a primary focus in evolutionary ecology and animal …
Antipredator defences in motion: animals reduce predation risks by concealing or misleading motion signals
Motion is a crucial part of the natural world, yet our understanding of how animals avoid
predation whilst moving remains rather limited. Although several theories have been …
predation whilst moving remains rather limited. Although several theories have been …
Color under pressure: how multiple factors shape defensive coloration
Behavioral ecologists have long studied the role of coloration as a defense against natural
enemies. Recent reviews of defensive coloration have emphasized that these visual signals …
enemies. Recent reviews of defensive coloration have emphasized that these visual signals …
Distance-dependent defensive coloration in the poison frog Dendrobates tinctorius, Dendrobatidae
Poison dart frogs provide classic examples of warning signals: potent toxins signaled by
distinctive, conspicuous coloration. We show that, counterintuitively, the bright yellow and …
distinctive, conspicuous coloration. We show that, counterintuitively, the bright yellow and …
[CARTE][B] Defensive (anti-herbivory) coloration in land plants
S Lev-Yadun - 2016 - Springer
This book about various types of visual defense (coloration, morphology, movement) of
plants against herbivores is not just a list of facts and hypotheses, with a reference source …
plants against herbivores is not just a list of facts and hypotheses, with a reference source …
Dazzle: surface patterns that impede interception
Abstract 'Dazzle coloration'describes a wide variety of high-contrast patterns allegedly
providing protection against attack during motion. Previous research falls into three broad …
providing protection against attack during motion. Previous research falls into three broad …
Now you see me, now you don't: dynamic flash coloration as an antipredator strategy in motion
G Murali - Animal Behaviour, 2018 - Elsevier
Highlights•Camouflage during motion might be ineffective against predation.•I tested
whether dynamic colour change could be advantageous during motion.•Stimulus with …
whether dynamic colour change could be advantageous during motion.•Stimulus with …
Multimodal aposematic signals and their emerging role in mate attraction
Chemically defended animals often display conspicuous color patterns that predators learn
to associate with their unprofitability and subsequently avoid. Such animals (ie, aposematic) …
to associate with their unprofitability and subsequently avoid. Such animals (ie, aposematic) …