Major tree species of Central European forests differ in their proportion of positive, negative, and nonstationary growth trends

J Kašpar, J Tumajer, J Altman… - Global Change …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Temperate forests are undergoing significant transformations due to the influence of climate
change, including varying responses of different tree species to increasing temperature and …

No future growth enhancement expected at the northern edge for European beech due to continued water limitation

S Klesse, RL Peters, R Alfaro‐Sánchez… - Global change …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
With ongoing global warming, increasing water deficits promote physiological stress on
forest ecosystems with negative impacts on tree growth, vitality, and survival. How individual …

Species-specific climate–growth interactions determine tree species dynamics in mixed Central European mountain forests

J Kašpar, J Tumajer, P Šamonil… - Environmental Research …, 2021 -
Increasing growing season temperatures and the seasonal redistribution of precipitation due
to climate change have recently been recorded across the globe. Simultaneously, increases …

Historical mixed-severity disturbances shape current diameter distributions of primary temperate Norway spruce mountain forests in Europe

R Rodrigo, JL Pettit, R Matula, D Kozák, R Bače… - Forest Ecology and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Natural disturbances strongly influence forest structural dynamics, and subsequently stand
structural heterogeneity, biomass, and forest functioning. The impact of disturbance legacies …

Biogeomorphological domination of forest landscapes: an example from the Šumava Mountains, Czech Republic

JD Phillips, P Šamonil - Geomorphology, 2021 - Elsevier
Biogeomorphological and ecological succession following a disturbance or the exposure of
new ground often proceeds in stages, from domination by abiotic, geophysical factors …

Changes in the radial growth of trees in relation to biogeomorphic processes in an old‐growth forest on flysch, Czechia

J Kašpar, P Šamonil, M Krůček… - Earth Surface Processes …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Tree radial growth is influenced by individual tree abilities, climate, competition, disturbance
regimes, as well as biogeomorphic processes–including biomechanical interactions …

Forest floor alteration by canopy trees and soil wetness drive regeneration of a spruce-beech forest

P Daněk, P Šamonil, L Hort - Forest Ecology and Management, 2022 - Elsevier
Natural regeneration of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies)
plays a crucial role in the future of many European mountain forests. It is affected by various …

Dead or alive: drivers of wind mortality initiate multiple disturbance regime in a temperate primeval mountain forest

I Vašíčková, P Šamonil, J Kašpar, A Román-Sánchez… - Forests, 2021 -
The driving forces of tree mortality following wind disturbances of mountain mixed European
temperate forests belongs among issues not comprehensively resolved. Hence, we aimed to …

A 400-year record of disturbance history in the Bohemian Forest Ecosystem: Lessons from unique transboundary tree-rings chronicles.

V Ivana, Š Pavel, K Jakub, H Marco… - Silva Gabreta, 2024 -
Considering the increasing frequency of disturbance events under accelerating global
change, detailed knowledge about past forest dynamics forms a crucial foundation for …

[PDF][PDF] The legacy of primeval forests-a dendroecological reconstruction of selected forest stands across the Šumava National Park.

V Ivana, Š Pavel, K Jakub, A Dušan - Silva Gabreta, 2022 -
Despite prehistoric colonization, forests with limited evidence of human activities have been
preserved throughout the centuries in the Bohemian Forest, thus they are promising from the …