Air pollutants concentrations forecasting using back propagation neural network based on wavelet decomposition with meteorological conditions

Y Bai, Y Li, X Wang, J **e, C Li - Atmospheric pollution research, 2016 - Elsevier
Air quality forecasting is an effective way to protect public health by providing an early
warning against harmful air pollutants. In this paper, a model W-BPNN using wavelet …

Fuzzy inference system tree with particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm: a novel approach for PM10 forecasting

J Saini, M Dutta, G Marques - Expert Systems with Applications, 2021 - Elsevier
World health organization's estimates reveal that air pollution kills almost 6.5 million people
in the world every year. As human beings, on average, spend 80–90% of their routine time …

The early-warning system based on hybrid optimization algorithm and fuzzy synthetic evaluation model

R Li, Y ** - Information Sciences, 2018 - Elsevier
Portending and mastering the atmospheric quality plays a significant role in polishing up
people's daily life and preventing the environment against serious pollution because air …

Deep neural network for PM2. 5 pollution forecasting based on manifold learning

J **e - 2017 international conference on sensing, diagnostics …, 2017 -
Accurately forecasting pollution concentration of PM2. 5 can provide early warning for the
government to alert the persons suffering from air pollution. Many existing approaches fail at …

Prediction of air quality using time series data mining

M Yadav, S Jain, KR Seeja - … : Proceedings of ICICC 2018, Volume 2, 2019 - Springer
The recent bout of increased air pollution in Delhi has just made the task of identifying and
controlling the causes of air pollution an extremely crucial task. In this paper, an Apriori …

Hybrid neural network models for forecasting ozone and particulate matter concentrations in the Republic of China

M Braik, A Sheta, H Al-Hiary - Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2020 - Springer
Ozone is a toxic gas with massive distinct chemical components from oxygen. Breathing
ozone in the air can cause severe effects on human health, especially people who have …

Air pollution prediction using extreme learning machine: A case study on Delhi (India)

M Bisht, KR Seeja - Proceedings of First International Conference on …, 2018 - Springer
Outdoor air pollution has emerged as a serious threat to public health across the globe. Air
quality monitoring and forecasting are required to provide the policy makers a scientific …

[PDF][PDF] A novel type-2 adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system classifier for modelling uncertainty in prediction of air pollution disaster (research note)

A Safari, M Mazinani, R Hosseini - International Journal of …, 2017 -
Type-2 fuzzy set theory is one of the most powerful tools for dealing with the uncertainty and
imperfection in dynamic and complex environments. The applications of type-2 fuzzy sets …

Indoor Air Quality and internet of things: the State of the Art

J Saini, M Dutta, G Marques, J Saini, M Dutta… - Internet of Things for …, 2021 - Springer
The growing populations over the world are affected by increasing levels of air pollution. The
decaying air quality has been a matter of concern for public health experts, industry experts …

Predicting indoor air quality: integrating IoT with artificial intelligence

J Saini, M Dutta, G Marques, J Saini, M Dutta… - Internet of Things for …, 2021 - Springer
Environment pollution has been a critical concern for public health and well-being over the
years. Repeated exposure to harmful pollutants released from biomass fuel combustion is …