College party culture and sexual assault
This paper considers the degree to which events that intensify partying increase sexual
assault. Estimates are based on panel data from campus and local law enforcement …
assault. Estimates are based on panel data from campus and local law enforcement …
The returns to college (s): Relative value-added and match effects in higher education
J Mountjoy, BR Hickman - 2021 - nber.org
Students who attend different colleges in the US end up with vastly different economic
outcomes. We study the role of relative value-added across colleges within student choice …
outcomes. We study the role of relative value-added across colleges within student choice …
Are big-time sports a threat to student achievement?
We consider the relationship between collegiate football success and non-athlete student
performance. We find that the team's success significantly reduces male grades relative to …
performance. We find that the team's success significantly reduces male grades relative to …
March market madness: The impact of value‐irrelevant events on the market pricing of earnings news
Each year, the NCAA basketball tournament (March Madness) is a daytime distraction for
millions of people, providing a largely exogenous shock to investor attention. We investigate …
millions of people, providing a largely exogenous shock to investor attention. We investigate …
True for your school? How changing reputations alter demand for selective US colleges
M Alter, R Reback - Educational Evaluation and Policy …, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
There is a comprehensive literature documenting how colleges' tuition, financial aid
packages, and academic reputations influence students' application and enrollment …
packages, and academic reputations influence students' application and enrollment …
If we build it, will they come? The effect of new athletic facilities on recruiting rankings for power five football and men's basketball programs
College athletics is currently in the midst of a building boom in which universities are
competing with each other to reach an always-increasing standard of lavish athletic facilities …
competing with each other to reach an always-increasing standard of lavish athletic facilities …
Football as a status system in US higher education
Sociologists have focused almost exclusively on academic aspects of status in higher
education, despite the prominence of nonacademic activities, specifically athletics, in US …
education, despite the prominence of nonacademic activities, specifically athletics, in US …
A Review of the Role of College Applications on Students' Postsecondary Outcomes. Research Brief.
C Avery, JS Howell, L Page - College Board, 2014 - ERIC
Identifying the best set of colleges to which to apply is not a simple task. The importance of
any one application depends on the likely outcomes of other applications, and this logic and …
any one application depends on the likely outcomes of other applications, and this logic and …
Trends in NCAA athletic spending: Arms race or rising tide?
We develop and empirically test a model of intercollegiate athletic department expenditure
decisions. The model extends general dynamic models of nonprice competition and …
decisions. The model extends general dynamic models of nonprice competition and …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of college athletic success on donations and applicant quality
For the 65 colleges and universities that participate in the Power Five athletic conferences
(Pac 12, Big 10, SEC, ACC, and Big 12), the football and men's basketball teams are highly …
(Pac 12, Big 10, SEC, ACC, and Big 12), the football and men's basketball teams are highly …